@article{fdi:010062433, title = {{I}nadequacy of vitamins and minerals among high-school pupils in {O}uarzazate, {M}orocco}, author = {{A}nzid, {K}. and {B}aali, {A}. and {V}imard, {P}atrice and {L}evy-{D}esroches, {S}. and {C}herkaoui, {M}. and {L}opez, {P}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}bjective: {T}o assess micronutrient intakes and the prevalence of inadequacy in a sample of high-school pupils in {O}uarzazate, {M}orocco. {D}esign: {F}ood records were compiled over three non-consecutive days by pre-trained pupils. {M}icronutrient intakes were estimated using the {DIAL} software, adapted to include foods commonly eaten in {M}orocco. {T}he prevalence of inadequacy was estimated by the proportion of individuals with intakes below the {E}stimated {A}verage {R}equirement ({EAR}) for vitamins {B}-12, {A} and {K}, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, folate, ascorbic acid, iodine, {C}a, {M}g and {P}; below the {A}dequate {I}ntake ({AI}) level for pantothenic acid, biotin, {N}a and {K}; and using the probability approach for {F}e. {D}ata were adjusted for intra-individual variation with exclusion of under-reporters. {S}etting: {O}uarzazate, a semi-urban region situated on the southern slopes of the {H}igh {A}tlas with little industrial development but an important tourism sector. {S}ubjects: {A} self-selected sample of 312 pupils aged 15-19 years from the five public high schools. {A}fter exclusion of under-reporters, 293 remained for analysis. {R}esults: {T}he highest proportions of below-{EAR}/{AI} intakes were seen for pantothenic acid (girls 85.1%, boys 78.0 %), biotin (boys 83.1%, girls 79.4 %), thiamin (boys 66.9 %), folate (girls 93.1%, boys 74.6 %), iodine (boys 94.9%, girls 88.0%) and {C}a (girls 83.4%, boys 74.6 %). {N}a intake was generally in excess whereas {K} intake was below the {AI} level. {I}n general, girls had better-quality diets than boys, who appeared to consume more 'empty calories'. {C}onclusions: {O}ur findings suggest that in this population of {M}oroccan adolescents, nutritional intervention and educational strategies are needed to promote healthy eating habits and correct micronutrient inadequacies. {T}o provide reliable and precise estimates of nutrient intakes, an update of {M}oroccan food composition databases is urgently needed. {W}e recommend that national authorities address these issues.}, keywords = {{M}icronutrient inadequacy ; {A}dolescents ; {O}uarzazate ; {M}orocco ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}ublic {H}ealth {N}utrition}, volume = {17}, numero = {8}, pages = {1786--1795}, ISSN = {1368-9800}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1017/s1368980013002140}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062433}, }