@article{fdi:010062427, title = {{S}pread of the green snail {T}urbo marmoratus in {F}rench {P}olynesia 45 years after its introduction and implications for fishery management}, author = {{A}ndr{\'e}fou{\¨e}t, {S}erge and {B}ruckner, {A}. and {C}habran, {L}. and {C}ampanozzi-{T}arahu, {J}. and {D}empsey, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n 1967, 42 specimens of the green gastropod snail {T}urbo marmoratus ({L}innaeus 1758) from {V}anuatu were introduced in one single {T}ahiti reef, in {F}rench {P}olynesia. {T}he population has been since protected to maximize its chance of spreading, to eventually provide an additional resource for local fishermen. {A}fter 45 years of natural dispersal and controlled transfers throughout {S}ociety, {T}uamotu and {G}ambier {A}rchipelago, we investigated the population status on 23 different islands and atolls. {T} marmoratus failed to colonize {T}uamotu and {G}ambier archipelagos, and {S}ociety western atolls. {C}onversely, it successfully established on the forereefs of all other {S}ociety islands and atolls. {D}ensities were the highest on the windward side of {R}aiatea-{T}ahaa {I}slands, with up to 180 individuals per hectare. {T}he observed densities and preliminary extrapolated stock for these two islands justify the rotational opening of the fishery, although additional local investigations on the biology of the species would be useful. {T}he influence of this alien species on the ecology of local reefs remains unknown.}, keywords = {{POLYNESIE} {FRANCAISE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}cean and {C}oastal {M}anagement}, volume = {96}, numero = {}, pages = {42--50}, ISSN = {0964-5691}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2014.05.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062427}, }