@article{fdi:010062401, title = {{A} phylogenetic analysis of palm subtribe {A}rchontophoenicinae ({A}recaceae) based on 14 {DNA} regions}, author = {{D}omenech, {B}. and {A}smussen-{L}ange, {C}. {B}. and {B}aker, {W}. {J}. and {A}lapetite, {E}. and {P}intaud, {J}ean-{C}hristophe and {N}adot, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ubtribe {A}rchontophoenicinae belongs to {A}receae, the largest of all palm tribes. {I}t includes 15 species distributed in five genera, all found in the south-western {P}acific {R}egion. {A}rchontophoenicinae are rather homogeneous in morphology, making phylogenetic relationships problematic to reconstruct using morphological characters. {I}n this study we investigated phylogenetic relationships in {A}rchontophoenicinae based on all 15 species of the subtribe, using a combination of nine plastid and five nuclear {DNA} sequence markers. {T}he plastid regions used were the coding rbc{L}, mat{K}, ndh{F} and rpo{C}1 (exon 2) and the non-coding rps16 intron, atp{F}-atp{H}, psb{K}-psb{I}, trn{L}-trn{F} and trn{Q}-rps16. {T}he nuclear regions used were {AG}1, {BRSC}, {ITS}2, {PRK} and {RPB}2, which have all proved useful in palm systematics. {W}e compared the phylogenetic hypotheses resulting from the plastid versus nuclear datasets, and combined both datasets to retrieve as much phylogenetic information as possible. {O}ur results strongly support a clade composed of all species of {A}rchontophoenix, {A}ctinokentia, {C}hambeyronia and {K}entiopsis, but raise the question of whether {A}ctinorhytis, the fifth genus, should remain in {A}rchontophoenicinae. {I}nterspecific relationships in 'core {A}rchontophoenicinae' still remain incompletely resolved, despite the gene and taxon sampling being substantially greater than in previous studies, and question the monophyly of the {N}ew {C}aledonian genera {C}hambeyronia and {K}entiopsis.}, keywords = {{A}receae ; nuclear {DNA} ; palms ; phylogeny ; plastid {DNA} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}otanical {J}ournal of the {L}innean {S}ociety}, volume = {175}, numero = {4}, pages = {469--481}, ISSN = {0024-4074}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/boj.12179}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062401}, }