@article{fdi:010062378, title = {{FAO}-56 dual model combined with multi-sensor remote sensing for regional evapotranspiration estimations}, author = {{A}mri, {R}. and {Z}ribi, {M}. and {L}ili-{C}habaane, {Z}. and {S}zczypta, {C}. and {C}alvet, {J}. {C}. and {B}oulet, {G}illes}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he main goal of this study is to evaluate the potential of the {FAO}-56 dual technique for the estimation of regional evapotranspiration ({ET}) and its constituent components (crop transpiration and soil evaporation), for two classes of vegetation (olives trees and cereals) in the semi-arid region of the {K}airouan plain in central {T}unisia. {T}he proposed approach combines the {FAO}-56 technique with remote sensing (optical and microwave), not only for vegetation characterization, as proposed in other studies but also for the estimation of soil evaporation, through the use of satellite moisture products. {S}ince it is difficult to use ground flux measurements to validate remotely sensed data at regional scales, comparisons were made with the land surface model {ISBA}-{A}-gs which is a physical {SVAT} ({S}oil-{V}egetation-{A}tmosphere {T}ransfer) model, an operational tool developed by {M}eteo-{F}rance. {I}t is thus shown that good results can be obtained with this relatively simple approach, based on the {FAO}-56 technique combined with remote sensing, to retrieve temporal variations of {ET}. {T}he approach proposed for the daily mapping of evapotranspiration at 1 km resolution is approved in two steps, for the period between 1991 and 2007. {I}n an initial step, the {ISBA}-{A}-gs soil moisture outputs are compared with {ERS}/{WSC} products. {T}hen, the output of the {FAO}-56 technique is compared with the output generated by the {SVAT} {ISBA}-{A}-gs model.}, keywords = {evapotranspiration ; {FAO}-56 ; {NDVI} ; soil moisture ; {ERS}/{WSC} ; {SPOT}-{VGT} ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing}, volume = {6}, numero = {6}, pages = {5387--5406}, ISSN = {2072-4292}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.3390/rs6065387}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062378}, }