@article{fdi:010062374, title = {{I}ntegrative taxonomy of a poorly known {S}ahelian rodent, {G}erbillus nancillus ({M}uridae, {G}erbillinae)}, author = {{N}diaye, {A}. and {H}ima, {K}. and {D}obigny, {G}authier and {S}ow, {A}. and {D}alecky, {A}mbroise and {B}a, {K}. and {T}hiam, {M}. and {G}ranjon, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ridification processes that affected the {S}ahelian area of {W}est {A}frica during the last decades have induced significant changes in plant and animal communities of this region. {I}n rodents, the genus {G}erbillus characteristic of {N}orth {A}frican and {A}sian arid habitats has been affected by this climatic and environmental trends. {S}everal species of this genus showed a southward range expansion in recent years into the {S}ahelian bioclimatic zone. {R}ecent sampling in several localities of {W}est {A}frica ({M}ali, {N}iger and {S}enegal) enabled us to collect numerous specimens of small gerbils. {A}n integrative study of these samples using molecular, morphological and cytogenetical methods revealed that many of them were attributable to {G}erbillus nancillus, a secretive and poorly known species. {G}erbillus nancillus appears characterized by a well differentiated karyotype with 2n = 56 chromosomes, and to represent a unique genetic lineage within this genus. {B}ody and skull measurements of {G}. nancillus were compared with those of the morphologically similar {G}erbillus henleyi, which provided diagnostic clues between them. {T}hese new data significantly expand the distribution area of {G}. nancillus, which now ranges from {S}udan in the {E}ast to {S}enegal in the {W}est. {G}. nancillus is here reported from numerous new localities in {N}iger and {M}ali, and for the first time in {S}enegal, which raises questions about the origin of its presence and the colonization routes it followed to get there. {W}e also show that {G}. henleyi and {G}. nancillus are sympatric and apparently often syntopic in the sub-{S}aharan part of the distribution of {G}. henleyi.}, keywords = {{B}iogeography ; {C}ytochrome b ; {G}erbillus nancillus ; {K}aryotype ; {M}orphometry ; {S}ahel ; {T}axonomy ; {MALI} ; {NIGER} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ZONE} {SAHELIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}oologischer {A}nzeiger}, volume = {253}, numero = {5}, pages = {430--439}, ISSN = {0044-5231}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jcz.2014.03.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062374}, }