@article{fdi:010062321, title = {{N}utrient budgets ({N} and {P}) for the {N}ui {C}oc reservoir catchment ({N}orth {V}ietnam)}, author = {{L}e, {T}. {P}. {Q}. and {H}o, {C}. {T}. and {D}uong, {T}. {T}. and {R}ochelle {N}ewall, {E}mma and {D}ang, {D}. {K}. and {H}oang, {T}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {N}ui {C}oc reservoir (water surface: 25.2 km(2); catchment area: 567 km(2)), typical of medium sized reservoirs in {V}ietnam and in {S}outh {E}ast {A}sia, was built in the 1970s to stimulate social and economic development in the surrounding area. {T}he nitrogen and phosphorus budgets were established in this typical reservoir catchment to determine the degree of human-induced alteration of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles. {T}he results showed that both nitrogen and phosphorus inputs are higher than their outputs in the agricultural soil system, indicating the excess of fertilizer utilization in the catchment. {T}he budget of the hydrosystem revealed that the nitrogen and phosphorus fluxes from agricultural and forest soils accounted for 50% and 51% of the total inputs to the hydrosystem, respectively. {A}bout 66% of the annual total nitrogen and 79% of the annual total phosphorus inputs to the hydrosystem were deposited/eliminated in the reservoir.}, keywords = {{N}itrogen cycle ; {P}hosphorus cycle ; {N}utrient budgets ; {N}ui {C}oc reservoir ; {V}ietnam ; {H}uman impacts ; {VIETNAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gricultural {W}ater {M}anagement}, volume = {142}, numero = {}, pages = {152--161}, ISSN = {0378-3774}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agwat.2014.04.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062321}, }