@article{fdi:010062317, title = {{T}axonomic identity of the forms of {O}restias agassii ({T}eleostei : {C}yprinodontidae) from {C}hile : a morphological comparison with the syntypes of the species of {P}eru and {B}olivia}, author = {{C}ruz-{J}ofre, {F}. and {M}orales, {P}. and {E}squer-{G}arrigos, {Y}. and {V}ila, {I}. and {H}ugueny, {B}ernard and {G}aubert, {P}hilippe and {M}endez, {M}.{A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} morphological comparison of two populations assigned to {O}restias agassii from the {C}hilean {A}ltiplano with the syntypes from {P}eru and {B}olivia was performed. {T}he results suggest that populations of {C}hile do not match the form of {P}eru ({T}iticaca-lake), nevertheless the {I}sluga population could be related to {O}. agassii of {B}olivia.}, keywords = {{O}restias ; altiplano ; geometric morphometric ; {PEROU} ; {BOLIVIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}ayana}, volume = {78}, numero = {1}, pages = {41--45}, ISSN = {0717-6538}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.4067/{S}0717-65382014000100006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062317}, }