@article{fdi:010062309, title = {{L}oss of memory {CD}4(+) {T}-cells in semi-wild mandrills ({M}andrillus sphinx) naturally infected with species-specific simian immunodeficiency virus {SIV}mnd-1}, author = {{G}reenwood, {E}. {J}. {D}. and {S}chmidt, {F}. and {L}i{\'e}geois, {F}lorian and {K}ondova, {I}. and {H}erbert, {A}. and {N}goubangoye, {B}. and {R}ouet, {F}. and {H}eeney, {J}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}imian immunodeficiency virus ({SIV}) infection is found in a number of {A}frican primate species and is thought to be generally non-pathogenic. {H}owever, studies of wild primates are limited to two species, with {SIV} infection appearing to have a considerably different outcome in each. {F}urther examination of {SIV}-infected primates exposed to their natural environment is therefore warranted. {W}e performed a large cross-sectional study of a cohort of semi-wild mandrills with naturally occurring {SIV} infection, including 39 {SIV}-negative and 33 species-specific {SIV}mnd-1-infected animals. {T}his study was distinguished from previous reports by considerably greater sample size, examination of exclusively naturally infected animals in semi-wild conditions and consideration of simian {T}-lymphotropic virus ({STLV}) status in addition to {SIV}mnd-1 infection. {W}e found that {SIV}mnd-1 infection was associated with a significant and progressive loss of memory {CD}4(+) {T}-cells. {L}imited but significant increases in markers of immune activation in the {T}-cell populations, significant increases in plasma neopterin and changes to {B}-cell subsets were also observed in {SIV}-infected animals. {H}owever, no increase in plasma soluble {CD}14 was observed. {H}istological examination of peripheral lymph nodes suggested that {SIV}mnd-1 infection was not associated with a significant disruption of the lymph node architecture. {W}hilst this species has evolved numerous strategies to resist the development of {AIDS}, significant effects of {SIV} infection could be observed when examined in a natural environment. {STLV}mnd-1 infection also had significant effects on some markers relevant to understanding {SIV} infection and thus should be considered in studies of {SIV} infection of {A}frican primates where present.}, keywords = {{GABON}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eneral {V}irology}, volume = {95}, numero = {1}, pages = {201--212}, ISSN = {0022-1317}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1099/vir.0.059808-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062309}, }