@article{fdi:010062308, title = {{F}rom soil aggregates to riverine flocs : a laboratory experiment assessing the respective effects of soil type and flow shear stress on particles characteristics}, author = {{G}rangeon, {T}. and {D}roppo, {I}. {G}. and {L}egout, {C}. and {E}steves, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}articles eroded from hillslopes and exported to rivers are recognized to be composite particles of high internal complexity. {T}heir architecture and composition are known to influence their transport behaviour within the water column relative to discrete particles. {T}o-date, hillslope erosion studies consider aggregates to be stable once they are detached from the soil matrix. {H}owever, lowland rivers and estuaries studies often suggest that particle structure and dynamics are controlled by flocculation within the water column. {I}n order to improve the understanding of particle dynamics along the continuum from hillslopes to the lowland river environment, soil particle behaviour was tested under controlled laboratory conditions. {S}even flume erosion and deposition experiments, designed to simulate a natural erosive event, and five shear cell experiments were performed using three contrasting materials: two of them were poorly developed and as such can not be considered as soils, whilst the third one was a calcareous brown soil. {T}hese experiments revealed that soil aggregates were prone to disaggregation within the water column and that flocculation may affect their size distribution during transport. {L}arge differences in effective particle size were found between soil types during the rising limb of the bed shear stress sequence. {I}ndeed, at the maximum applied bed shear stress, the aggregated particles median diameter was found to be three times larger for the well-developed soil than for the two others. {D}ifferences were smaller in the falling limb, suggesting that soil aggregates underwent structural changes. {H}owever, characterization of particles strength parameters showed that these changes did not fully turn soil aggregates into flocs, but rather into hybrid soil aggregate-floc particles.}, keywords = {aggregates ; flocs ; suspended sediment ; particle size ; particle density ; particle strength}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {P}rocesses}, volume = {28}, numero = {13}, pages = {4141--4155}, ISSN = {0885-6087}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/hyp.9929}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062308}, }