@article{fdi:010062274, title = {{I}mmune response to {B}ordetella pertussis is associated with season and undernutrition in {S}enegalese children}, author = {{G}aayeb, {L}. and {P}incon, {C}. and {C}ames, {C}{\'e}cile and {S}arr, {J}. {B}. and {S}eck, {M}. and {S}chacht, {A}. {M}. and {R}emou{\'e}, {F}ranck and {H}ermann, {E}. and {R}iveau, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {W}hile vaccines elicit a protective response in most recipients, studies suggest that environmental and nutritional factors can influence the strength of the individual response to immunization and to subsequent natural infectious challenges. {M}ethods: {W}e conducted a longitudinal survey in {S}enegal to assess the individual response to {B}. pertussis, a respiratory disease against which {S}enegalese children are vaccinated before the age of one ({C}linicaltrials.gov {ID}: {NCT}01545115). {A} cohort of 203 children aged 1-9 from four villages of the {S}enegal {R}iver {V}alley was followed-up for 14 months ({O}ctober 2008-{J}anuary 2010). {D}uring that period, four visits have been made to the villages to assess the immunological and nutritional status of these children and to determine risk factors involved in the modulation of their humoral immune response to {B}. pertussis toxin. {R}esults: {A} multivariate model has demonstrated that birth season and nutritional status appeared to modulate humoral response to pertussis toxin. {M}oreover, response to {B}. pertussis was dependent on age, village and time of visit. {C}onclusions: {T}hese results are consistent with the hypothesis that environmental and nutritional factors modulate children's response to pertussis following natural infection or vaccination.}, keywords = {{A}frica ; {B}irth season ; {B}ordetella pertussis ; {E}nvironment ; {I}mmunity ; {M}alnutrition ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}accine}, volume = {32}, numero = {27}, pages = {3431--3437}, ISSN = {0264-410{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.03.086}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062274}, }