@article{fdi:010062262, title = {{I}mpact of physical processes on the seasonal distribution of the fugacity of {CO}2 in the western tropical {A}tlantic}, author = {{L}ef{\`e}vre, {N}athalie and {U}rbano, {D}. {F}. and {G}allois, {F}rancis and {D}iverr{\`e}s, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he fugacity of {CO}2 (f{CO}(2)) has been measured underway during three quasi-synoptic cruises in the western tropical {A}tlantic in {M}arch/{A}pril 2009 and {J}uly/{A}ugust 2010 in the region 6 degrees {S}-15 degrees {N}, 52 degrees {W}-24 degrees {W}. {T}he distribution of f{CO}(2) is related to the main features of the ocean circulation. {T}emperature exerts a dominant control on the distribution of f{CO}(2) in {M}arch/{A}pril whereas salinity plays an important role in {J}uly/ {A}ugust due to the more developed {N}orth {E}quatorial {C}ountercurrent ({NECC}) carrying {A}mazon water and to the high precipitation associated with the presence of the {I}ntertropical {C}onvergence {Z}one ({ITCZ}). {T}he main surface currents are characterized by different f{CO}(2). {O}verall, the {NECC} carries less saline waters with lower f{CO}(2) compared to the {S}outh {E}quatorial {C}urrent ({SEC}). {T}he {N}orth {E}quatorial {C}urrent ({NEC}) is usually characterized by {CO}2 undersaturation in winter and supersaturation in summer. {U}sing empirical f{CO}(2)-{SST}-{SSS} relationships, two seasonal maps of f{CO}(2) are constructed for {M}arch 2009 and {J}uly 2010. {T}he region is a sink of {CO}2 of 0.40 mmol m(-2)d(-1) in {M}arch, explained by the winter cooling in the northern hemisphere, whereas it is a source of {CO}2 of 1.32 mmol m(-2)d(-1) in {J}uly. {T}he equatorial region is a source of {CO}2 throughout the year due to the upwelling supplying {CO}2-rich waters to the surface. {H}owever, the evolution of f{CO}(2) over time, determined from all the available cruises in a small area, 1 degrees {S}-1 degrees {N}, 32 degrees {W}-28 degrees {W}, suggests that the source of {CO}2 has decreased in {F}ebruary-{M}arch from 1983 to 2011 or has remained constant in {O}ctober-{N}ovember from 1991 to 2010.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eophysical {R}esearch.{O}ceans}, volume = {119}, numero = {2}, pages = {646--663}, ISSN = {2169-9275}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1002/2013jc009248}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062262}, }