@article{fdi:010062237, title = {{F}ast assembly of the mitochondrial genome of a plant parasitic nematode ({M}eloidogyne graminicola) using next generation sequencing}, author = {{B}esnard, {G}. and {J}uhling, {F}. and {C}hapuis, {E}lodie and {Z}edane, {L}. and {L}huillier, {E}. and {M}ateille, {T}hierry and {B}ellafiore, {S}t{\'e}phane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{L}ittle is known about the variations of nematode mitogenomes (mt{DNA}). {S}equencing a complete mt{DNA} using a {PCR} approach remains a challenge due to frequent genome reorganizations and low sequence similarities between divergent nematode lineages. {H}ere, a genome skimming approach based on {H}i{S}eq sequencing (shotgun) was used to assemble de novo the first complete mt{DNA} sequence of a root-knot nematode ({M}eloidogyne graminicola). {A}n {AT}-rich genome (84.3%) of 20,030 bp was obtained with a mean sequencing depth superior to 300. {T}hirty-six genes were identified with a semi-automated approach. {A} comparison with a gene map of the {M}. javanica mitochondrial genome indicates that the gene order is conserved within this nematode lineage. {H}owever, deep genome rearrangements were observed when comparing with other species of the superfamily {H}oplolaimoidea. {R}epeat elements of 111 bp and 94 bp were found in a long non-coding region of 7.5 kb, as similarly reported in {M}. javanica and {M}. hapla. {T}his study points out the power of next generation sequencing to produce complete mitochondrial genomes, even without a reference sequence, and possibly opening new avenues for species/race identification, phylogenetics and population genetics of nematodes.}, keywords = {{O}rganellar genome assembly ; {G}enome skimming ; {M}eloidogyne ; {M}itogenomics ; {N}ematode ; {N}ext generation sequencing}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}omptes {R}endus {B}iologies}, volume = {337}, numero = {5}, pages = {295--301}, ISSN = {1631-0691}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.crvi.2014.03.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062237}, }