@article{fdi:010062211, title = {{T}ransposable elements, a treasure trove to decipher epigenetic variation : insights from {A}rabidopsis and crop epigenomes}, author = {{M}irouze, {M}arie and {V}itte, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the past decade, plant biologists and breeders have developed a growing interest in the field of epigenetics, which is defined as the study of heritable changes in gene expression that cannot be explained by changes in the {DNA} sequence. {E}pigenetic marks can be responsive to the environment, and evolve faster than genetic changes. {T}herefore, epigenetic diversity may represent an unexplored resource of natural variation that could be used in plant breeding programmes. {O}n the other hand, crop genomes are largely populated with transposable elements ({TE}s) that are efficiently targeted by epigenetic marks, and part of the epigenetic diversity observed might be explained by {TE} polymorphisms. {C}haracterizing the degree to which {TE}s influence epigenetic variation in crops is therefore a major goal to better use epigenetic variation. {T}o date, epigenetic analyses have been mainly focused on the model plant {A}rabidopsis thaliana, and have provided clues on epigenome features, components that silence pathways, and effects of silencing impairment. {B}ut to what extent can {A}rabidopsis be used as a model for the epigenomics of crops? {I}n this review, we discuss the similarities and differences between the epigenomes of {A}rabidopsis and crops. {W}e explore the relationship between {TE}s and epigenomes, focusing on {TE} silencing control and escape, and the impact of {TE} mobility on epigenomic variation. {F}inally, we provide insights into challenges to tackle, and future directions to take in the route towards using epigenetic diversity in plant breeding programmes.}, keywords = {{AMELIORATION} {DES} {PLANTES} ; {AMELIORATION} {GENETIQUE} ; {MUTAGENESE} ; {PLANTE} ; {RIZ} ; {MAIS} ; {SOJA} ; {TOMATE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {EPIGENETIQUE} ; {EPIGENOME} ; {EXPRESSION} {DES} {GENES} ; {METHYLATION} ; {GENOME}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {B}otany}, volume = {65}, numero = {10}, pages = {2801--2812}, ISSN = {0022-0957}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1093/jxb/eru120}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062211}, }