@article{fdi:010062178, title = {{I}n vitro evaluation of a soluble {L}eishmania promastigote surface antigen as a potential vaccine candidate against human leishmaniasis}, author = {{C}hamakh-{A}yari, {R}. and {B}ras {G}oncalves, {R}achel and {B}ahi-{J}aber, {N}. and {P}etitdidier, {E}lodie and {M}arkikou-{O}uni, {W}. and {A}oun, {K}. and {M}oreno, {J}. and {C}arrillo, {E}. and {S}alotra, {P}. and {K}aushal, {H}. and {S}ingh {N}egi, {N}. and {A}revalo, {J}. and {F}alconi-{A}gapito, {F}. and {P}rivat, {A}. and {C}ruz, {M}. and {P}agniez, {J}ulie and {P}apierok, {G}.{M}. and {B}el {H}aj {R}houma, {F}. and {T}orres, {P}. and {L}emesre, {J}ean-{L}oup and {C}henik, {M}. and {M}eddeb-{G}arnaoui, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{PSA} ({P}romastigote {S}urface {A}ntigen) belongs to a family of membrane-bound and secreted proteins present in several {L}eishmania ({L}.) species. {PSA} is recognized by human {T}h1 cells and provides a high degree of protection in vaccinated mice. {W}e evaluated humoral and cellular immune responses induced by a {L}. amazonensis {PSA} protein ({L}a{PSA}-38{S}) produced in a {L}. tarentolae expression system. {T}his was done in individuals cured of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to {L}. major ({CCL}m) or {L}. braziliensis ({CCL}b) or visceral leishmaniasis due to {L}. donovani ({CVL}d) and in healthy individuals. {H}ealthy individuals were subdivided into immune ({HHR}-{L}m and {HHR}-{L}i: {H}ealthy {H}igh {R}esponders living in an endemic area for {L}. major or {L}. infantum infection) or non immune/naive individuals ({HLR}: {H}ealthy {L}ow {R}esponders), depending on whether they produce high or low levels of {IFN}-gamma in response to {L}eishmania soluble antigen. {L}ow levels of total {I}g{G} antibodies to {L}a{PSA}-38{S} were detected in sera from the studied groups. {I}nterestingly, {L}a{PSA}-38{S} induced specific and significant levels of {IFN}-gamma, granzyme {B} and {IL}-10 in {CCL}m, {HHR}-{L}m and {HHR}-{L}i groups, with {HHR}-{L}i group producing {TNF}-alpha in more. {N}o significant cytokine response was observed in individuals immune to {L}. braziliensis or {L}. donovani infection. {P}henotypic analysis showed a significant increase in {CD}4+ {T} cells producing {IFN}-gamma after {L}a{PSA}-38{S} stimulation, in {CCL}m. {A} high positive correlation was observed between the percentage of {IFN}-gamma-producing {CD}4+ {T} cells and the released {IFN}-gamma. {W}e showed that the {L}a{PSA}-38{S} protein was able to induce a mixed {T}h1 and {T}h2/{T}reg cytokine response in individuals with immunity to {L}. major or {L}. infantum infection indicating that it may be exploited as a vaccine candidate. {W}e also showed, to our knowledge for the first time, the capacity of {L}eishmania {PSA} protein to induce granzyme {B} production in humans with immunity to {L}. major and {L}. infantum infection.}, keywords = {{LEISHMANIOSE} ; {VACCINATION} ; {ANTIGENE} ; {EVALUATION} ; {PROTEINE} ; {PHENOTYPE} ; {IMMUNITE} ; {ANTICORPS} ; {EXPERIMENTATION} {IN} {VITRO} ; {ANALYSE} {STATISTIQUE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {TECHNIQUE} {PCR} ; {CYTOMETRIE} ; {TEST} {ELISA} ; {INDE} ; {PEROU} ; {ESPAGNE} ; {FRANCE} ; {TUNISIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{PL}o{S} {O}ne}, volume = {9}, numero = {5}, pages = {e92708 [12 en ligne]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0092708}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010062178}, }