@article{fdi:010061999, title = {{I}dentification and characterization of new {L}eishmania promastigote surface antigens, {L}a{PSA}-38{S} and {L}i{PSA}-50{S}, as major immunodominant excreted/secreted components of {L}. amazonensis and {L}. infantum}, author = {{B}ras {G}oncalves, {R}achel and {P}etitdidier, {E}lodie and {P}agniez, {J}ulie and {V}eyrier, {R}enaud and {C}ibrelus, {P}. and {C}avaleyra, {M}ireille and {M}aquaire, {S}. and {M}oreaux, {J}. and {L}emesre, {J}ean-{L}oup}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e have previously demonstrated that sera from dogs vaccinated with excreted/secreted antigens ({ESA}) of {L}eishmania infantum promastigotes ({L}i{ESA}p) mainly recognized an immunodominant antigen of 54 k{D}a. {A}n anti-{L}i{ESA}p-specific {I}g{G}2 humoral response was observed and associated to {T}h1-type response in vaccinated dogs. {T}his response was highly correlated with a long-lasting and strong {L}i{ES}-{A}p-vaccine protection toward {L}. infantum experimental infection. {I}n addition, it was also shown that dogs from the vaccinated group developed a selective {I}g{G}2 response against an immunodominant antigen of 45 k{D}a of {L}eishmania amazonensis {ESA} promastigotes ({L}a{ESA}p). {I}n order to identify and characterize these immunodominant antigens, a mouse monoclonal antibody (m{A}b {F}5) was produced by immunization against {L}a{ESA}p. {I}t was found to recognize the major antigenic targets of both {L}a{ESA}p and {L}i{ESA}p. {A}nalysis with m{A}b {F}5 of {L}. amazonensis amastigote and promastigote c{DNA} expression libraries enabled the identification of clones encoding proteins with significant structural homology to the promastigote surface antigens named {PSA}-2/gp-46. {A}mong them, one clone presented a full-length c{DNA} and encoded a novel {L}. amazonensis protein of 38.6 k{D}a calculated molecular mass ({L}a{PSA}-38{S}) sharing an amino acid sequence consistent with that of the {PSA} polymorphic family and a {N}-terminal signal peptide, characteristic of a secreted protein. {W}e then screened a {L}. infantum promastigote {DNA} cosmid library using a c{DNA} probe derived from the {L}a{PSA}-38{S} gene and identified a full-length clone of a novel excreted/secreted protein of {L}. infantum with a calculated molecular mass of 49.2 k{D}a and named {L}i{PSA}-50{S}. {T}he fact that a significant immunological reactivity was observed against {PSA}, suggests that these newly identified proteins could have an important immunoregulatory influence on the immune response. {T}his hypothesis is supported by the fact that (i) these proteins were naturally excreted/secreted by viable {L}eishmania promastigotes and amastigotes, and (ii) they are selectively recognized by vaccinated and protected dogs.}, keywords = {{L}eishmania ; {E}xcreted/secreted protein ; {I}mmunodominant ; {V}accine candidate}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {24}, numero = {}, pages = {1--14}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2014.02.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061999}, }