@article{fdi:010061987, title = {{L}ife cycle assessment of the {P}eruvian industrial anchoveta fleet : boundary setting in life cycle inventory analyses of complex and plural means of production}, author = {{F}r{\'e}on, {P}ierre and {A}vadi, {A}. and {C}havez, {R}. {A}. {V}. and {A}hon, {F}. {I}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his work has two major objectives: (1) to perform an attributional life cycle assessment ({LCA}) of a complex mean of production, the main {P}eruvian fishery targeting anchoveta (anchovy) and (2) to assess common assumptions regarding the exclusion of items from the life cycle inventory ({LCI}). {D}ata were compiled for 136 vessels of the 661 units in the fleet. {T}he functional unit was 1 t of fresh fish delivered by a steel vessel. {O}ur approach consisted of four steps: (1) a stratified sampling scheme based on a typology of the fleet, (2) a large and very detailed inventory on small representative samples with very limited exclusion based on conventional {LCI} approaches, (3) an impact assessment on this detailed {LCI}, followed by a boundary-refining process consisting of retention of items that contributed to the first 95 % of total impacts and (4) increasing the initial sample with a limited number of items, according to the results of (3). {T}he life cycle impact assessment ({LCIA}) method mostly used was {R}e{C}i{P}e v1.07 associated to the ecoinvent database. {S}ome items that are usually ignored in an {LCI}'s means of production have a significant impact. {T}he use phase is the most important in terms of impacts (66 %), and within that phase, fuel consumption is the leading inventory item contributing to impacts (99 %). {P}rovision of metals (with special attention to electric wiring which is often overlooked) during construction and maintenance, and of nylon for fishing nets, follows. {T}he anchoveta fishery is shown to display the lowest fuel use intensity worldwide. {B}oundary setting is crucial to avoid underestimation of environmental impacts of complex means of production. {T}he construction, maintenance and {EOL} stages of the life cycle of fishing vessels have here a substantial environmental impact. {R}ecommendations can be made to decrease the environmental impact of the fleet.}, keywords = {{A}ttributional {LCA} ; {C}omplex production system ; {E}nvironmental impacts ; {F}ishing vessel ; {F}uel use ; {L}ife cycle inventory ; {PEROU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {L}ife {C}ycle {A}ssessment}, volume = {19}, numero = {5}, pages = {1068--1086}, ISSN = {0948-3349}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s11367-014-0716-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061987}, }