@article{fdi:010061977, title = {{E}ffects of {J}atopha curcas {L}. plantation on soil bacterial and fungal communities}, author = {{D}ieng, {A}. and {N}doye, {I}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin and {B}audoin, {E}z{\'e}kiel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he use of {J}atropha curcas {L}. ({J}atropha) as agrofuel is currently increasing in tropical and sub-tropical regions. {T}his plant and other {J}atropha species are well known for synthetising various toxicants. {H}owever, the effects of {J}atropha plantation on soil microbiota have barely been investigated. {W}e sampled three sites planted with {J}atropha for 1, 2 and 15 years in {S}enegal, together with their adjacent fallow plots, to test whether {J}atropha could have detrimental effects on microbial activity and diversity. {W}e further hypothetised that the extent of the effects of {J}atropha would be correlated to plantation age. {W}e observed that the genetic structure of the fungal community, and especially its {G}lomeromycota component, was strongly affected by {J}atropha in all sites. {T}he composition of the total bacterial community, especially of the nitrogen-fixing community, was also impacted but only in 2 sites out of 3, {B}esides, in situ catabolic potentials shifted similarly in response to {J}atropha growth. {D}espite these microbial shifts, we cannot conclude to a negative impact as diversity indices (catabolic potentials, genetic profiles) were not lowered. {A}dditionally, no cumulative effect was evidenced between the youngest and the oldest {J}atropha plantations, indicating that microbial shifts occurred rapidly and lasted over the long term. {F}urther studies dedicated to the functional implications of such structural shifts are needed since the genetic structure of essential microbial communities such as mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria were proved sensitive to {J}atropha.}, keywords = {{J}atropha curcas ; {E}xotic woody species ; {L}and use change ; {G}lomeromycota ; {N}itrogen-fixing bacteria ; {C}ommunity structure ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}oil {B}iology and {B}iochemistry}, volume = {72}, numero = {}, pages = {105--115}, ISSN = {0038-0717}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.01.029}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061977}, }