@article{fdi:010061960, title = {{H}uman antibody response to {A}edes albopictus salivary proteins : a potential biomarker to evaluate the efficacy of vector control in an area of chikungunya and dengue virus ransmission}, author = {{D}oucour{\'e}, {S}ouleymane and {M}ouchet, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {C}orn{\'e}lie, {S}ylvie and {D}rame, {P}. {M}. and {D}'{O}rtenzio, {E}. and {D}e{H}ecq, {J}. {S}. and {R}emou{\'e}, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}edes borne viruses represent public health problems in southern countries and threat to emerge in the developed world. {T}heir control is currently based on vector population control. {M}uch effort is being devoted to develop new tools to control such arbovirus. {R}ecent findings suggest that the evaluation of human antibody ({A}b) response to arthropod salivary proteins is relevant to measuring the level of human exposure to mosquito bites. {U}sing an immunoepidemiological approach, the present study aimed to assess the usefulness of the salivary biomarker for measuring the efficacy of {A}e. albopictus control strategies in {L}a {R}eunion urban area. {T}he antisaliva {A}b response of adult humans exposed to {A}e. albopictus was evaluated before and after vector control measures. {O}ur results showed a significant correlation between antisaliva {A}b response and the level of exposure to vectors bites. {T}he decrease of {A}e. albopictus density has been detected by this biomarker two weeks after the implementation of control measures, suggesting its potential usefulness for evaluating control strategies in a short time period. {T}he identification of species specific salivary proteins/peptides should improve the use of this biomarker.}, keywords = {{REUNION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iomed {R}esearch {I}nternational}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 746509}, ISSN = {2314-6133}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1155/2014/746509}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061960}, }