@article{fdi:010061959, title = {{S}edimentary and atmospheric sources of iron around {S}outh {G}eorgia, {S}outhern {O}cean : a modelling perspective}, author = {{B}orrione, {I}. and {A}umont, {O}livier and {N}ielsdottir, {M}. {C}. and {S}chlitzer, {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n high-nutrient low-chlorophyll waters of the western {A}tlantic sector of the {S}outhern {O}cean, an intense phytoplankton bloom is observed annually north of {S}outh {G}eorgia. {M}ultiple sources, including shallow sediments and atmospheric dust deposition, are thought to introduce iron to the region. {H}owever, the relative importance of each source is still unclear, owing in part to the scarcity of dissolved iron (d{F}e) measurements in the {S}outh {G}eorgia region. {I}n this study, we combine results from a recently published d{F}e data set around {S}outh {G}eorgia with a coupled regional hydrodynamic and biogeochemical model to further investigate iron supply around the island. {T}he biogeochemical component of the model includes an iron cycle, where sediments and dust deposition are the sources of iron to the ocean. {T}he model captures the characteristic flow patterns around {S}outh {G}eorgia, hence simulating a large phytoplankton bloom to the north (i.e. downstream) of the island. {M}odelled d{F}e concentrations agree well with observations (mean difference and root mean square errors of similar to 0.02n{M} and similar to 0.81 n{M}) and form a large plume to the north of the island that extends eastwards for more than 800 km. {I}n agreement with observations, highest d{F}e concentrations are located along the coast and decrease with distance from the island. {S}ensitivity tests indicate that most of the iron measured in the main bloom area originates from the coast and very shallow shelf-sediments (depths <20 m). {D}ust deposition exerts almost no effect on surface chlorophyll a concentrations. {O}ther sources of iron such as run-off and glacial melt are not represented explicitly in the model, however we discuss their role in the local iron budget.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} {SUD} ; {ROYAUME} {UNI} ; {GEORGIE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iogeosciences}, volume = {11}, numero = {7}, pages = {1981--2001}, ISSN = {1726-4170}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.5194/bg-11-1981-2014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061959}, }