@article{fdi:010061899, title = {{E}ddy properties in the {M}ozambique {C}hannel : a comparison between observations and two numerical ocean circulation models}, author = {{H}alo, {I}. and {B}ackeberg, {B}. and {P}enven, {P}ierrick and {A}nsorge, {I}. and {R}eason, {C}. and {U}llgren, {J}. {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}nalysis of satellite altimetry observations, transports estimates from a mooring array, as well as output from two different numerical ocean circulation models ({ROMS} and {HYCOM}), have been used to investigate the mesoscale eddy properties and transport variability in the {M}ozambique {C}hannel. {T}he power spectral density of model transports at 17 {S} indicates the models ability to represent the transport variability at mesoscale frequencies (range between 3 yr(-1) and 10 yr(-1)). {T}he models have shown an exaggerated representation of the lower frequencies (<3 yr(-1)), while underestimating the higher frequency signals (> 10 yr(-1)). {T}he overestimation of the seasonal cycle appears in our case not to be related to a misrepresentation of the mesoscale variability. {T}he eddies were identified using an automatic eddy tracking scheme. {B}oth anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies appeared to have a preferred site of formation within the channel. {T}he density distribution showed that the anticyclones exhibited a bi-modal distribution: the first mode was associated with the typical scale for the oceanic mesoscale turbulence, while the second mode was related to the passage of large rings at a frequency of about 4-7 per year. {O}n the other hand, cyclonic eddies had a single mode distribution that follows the first baroclinic {R}ossby radius of deformation, which is a typical scale for the oceanic mesoscale surface eddy variability, suggesting that their formation is associated with baroclinic instability. {E}ddy mean amplitudes per class of radius (< 100 km), increase linearly with increasing radius, while no linear relationship exists for the rings. {D}ifferent from the rings, the increase in the amplitude of the eddies was consistent with the increase of their life expectancy and travelling distances.}, keywords = {{C}yclonic/anticyclonic eddies ; {O}cean models ; {A}ltimetry ; {MOZAMBIQUE} {CANAL} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {{T}he {M}ozambique channel : mesoscale dynamics and ecosystem responses}, journal = {{D}eep-{S}ea {R}esearch {P}art {II}.{T}opical {S}tudies in {O}ceanography}, volume = {100}, numero = {{N}o sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {38--53}, ISSN = {0967-0645}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.10.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061899}, }