@article{fdi:010061890, title = {{R}eproducibility and relative validity of a brief quantitative food frequency questionnaire for assessing fruit and vegetable intakes in {N}orth-{A}frican women}, author = {{L}andais, {E}dwige and {G}artner, {A}gn{\`e}s and {B}our, {A}. and {M}c{C}ullough, {F}. and {D}elpeuch, {F}rancis and {H}oldsworth, {M}ichelle}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground{I}n the context of a rapidly increasing prevalence of noncommunicable diseases, fruit and vegetables could play a key preventive role. {T}o date, there is no rapid assessment tool available for measuring the fruit and vegetable intakes of {N}orth-{A}frican women. {T}he present study aimed to investigate the reproducibility and relative validity of an eight-item quantitative food frequency questionnaire that measures the fruit and vegetable intakes ({FV}-{FFQ}) of {M}oroccan women. {M}ethods{D}uring a 1-week period, 100 women, living in the city of {R}abat, {M}orocco (aged 20-49years) completed the short {FV}-{FFQ} twice: once at baseline ({FV}-{FFQ}1) and once at the end of the study ({FV}-{FFQ}2). {I}n the mean time, participants completed three 24-h dietary recalls. {A}ll questionnaires were administered by interviewers. {R}eproducibility was assessed by computing {S}pearman's correlation coefficients, intraclass correlation ({ICC}) coefficients and kappa statistics. {R}elative validity was assessed by computing {W}ilcoxon signed-rank tests and {S}pearman's correlation coefficients, as well as by performing {B}land-{A}ltman plots. {R}esults{I}n terms of reproducibility, {S}pearman's correlation coefficient was 0.56; {ICC} coefficient was 0.68; and weighted kappa was 0.35. {I}n terms of relative validity, compared with the three 24-h recalls, the {FV}-{FFQ} slightly underestimated mean fruit and vegetable intakes (-10.9%; {P}=0.006); {S}pearman's correlation coefficient was 0.69; at the individual level, intakes measured by the {FV}-{FFQ} were between 0.39 and 2.19 times those measured by the 24-h recalls. {C}onclusions{T}he brief eight-item {FV}-{FFQ} is a reliable and relatively valid tool for measuring mean fruit and vegetable intakes at the population level, although this is not the case at the individual level.}, keywords = {food frequency questionnaire ; fruit and vegetables ; {M}orocco ; relative validity ; reproducibility ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}uman {N}utrition and {D}ietetics}, volume = {27}, numero = {2}, pages = {152--159}, ISSN = {0952-3871}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/jhn.12131}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061890}, }