@article{fdi:010061874, title = {{W}ater quality assessment of highly polluted rivers in a semi-arid {M}editerranean zone {O}ued {F}ez and {S}ebou {R}iver ({M}orocco)}, author = {{P}errin, {J}ean-{L}ouis and {R}ais, {N}. and {C}hahinian, {N}an{\'e}e and {M}oulin, {P}. and {I}jjaali, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ued {F}ez (one of the {S}ebou {R}iver tributaries - {M}orocco) allowed us to study and quantify the effect of the lack of wastewater treatment on surface water quality in semi-arid hydrological context. {T}he analysis is based on field data collected from {J}une 2009 to {D}ecember 2011. {C}oncentration and load patterns of nitrogen, phosphorus and chromium (used in the processing of leather) are compared in stable hydrological conditions during low flow and high flow periods in an eight-location sampling network. {T}he {O}ued {F}ez and the {S}ebou {R}iver are characterised by severe pollution downstream from the city of {F}ez, particularly {TN} (mainly {NH}4 and {N}-org), {TP} (mainly {P}-part) and {TC}r. {T}he most polluted sites are those directly under the influence of domestic and industrial waste water inputs, particularly tannery effluents. {O}bviously, the concentrations measured at these locations are above all environmental quality standards. {P}ollutant loads are very heavy in the {S}ebou {R}iver and can contaminate the river course for kilometres. {M}oreover, as the water of the {S}ebou {R}iver is used for the irrigation of vegetables, serious problems of public health could arise. {A} better understanding of contaminant dynamics and self-purifying processes in these rivers will help implement actions and steps aimed at improving water quality in the {S}ebou {R}iver, which is the primary water supply source in {M}orocco and is used for agricultural and industrials purposes as well as for drinking water.}, keywords = {{W}ater quality ; {N}utrients and chromium ; {W}aste water effluents ; {S}patial and temporal variations ; {F}ez ; {M}orocco ; {MAROC}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {510}, numero = {}, pages = {26--34}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2013.12.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061874}, }