@article{fdi:010061862, title = {{I}nfluence of cofermentation by amylolytic {L}actobacillus strains and probiotic bacteria on the fermentation process, viscosity and microstructure of gruels made of rice, soy milk and passion fruit fiber}, author = {do {E}spirito-{S}anto, {A}. {P}. and {M}ouquet {R}ivier, {C}laire and {H}umblot, {C}hrist{\`e}le and {C}azevieille, {C}. and {I}card-{V}erni{\`e}re, {C}hrist{\`e}le and {S}occol, {C}. {R}. and {G}uyot, {J}ean-{P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}ruels tailored to school-age children and made of soy milk and rice flour with or without total dietary fiber from passion fruit by-product were fermented by amylolytic lactic acid bacteria strains ({L}actobacillus fermentum {O}gi {E}1 and {L}actobacillus plantarum {A}6), by commercial probiotic bacteria strains ({L}actobacillus acidophilus {L}10, {L}actobacillus casei {L}26 and {B}ifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis {B}94) and by co-cultures made of one amylolytic and one probiotic strain. {T}he influence of ingredient composition and bacterial cultures on kinetics of acidification, alpha-amylase activity of the bacteria, apparent viscosity and microstructure of the fermented products was investigated. {D}uring fermentation of the gruels, alpha-amylase activity was determined through the {C}eralpha method and apparent viscosity, flux behavior and thixotropy were determined in a rotational viscometer. {R}heological data were fitted to {P}ower {L}aw model. {T}he combination of amylolytic and probiotic bacteria strains reduced the fermentation time of the gruels as well as increased the a-amylase activity. {T}he addition of passion fruit fiber exerted less influence on the apparent viscosity of the fermented products than the composition of the bacterial cultures. {S}canning electron microscopy provided evidence of exopolysaccharide production by amylolytic bacteria strains in the food matrices tested. {T}he co-cultures made of amylolytic and probiotic bacteria strains are suitable to reduce the fermentation time of a soy milk/rice matrix and to obtain a final product with p{H} and viscosity similar to yoghurt.}, keywords = {{A}mylolytic lactic acid bacteria ; {P}robiotic ; {S}oy milk ; {R}ice ; {V}iscosity ; alpha-{A}mylase activity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ood {R}esearch {I}nternational}, volume = {57}, numero = {}, pages = {104--113}, ISSN = {0963-9969}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.foodres.2014.01.028}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061862}, }