@article{fdi:010061861, title = {{M}olecular and morphological systematics of the sandfly {S}ergentomyia ({S}intonius) clydei {S}inton, 1928 and questions about its record in the {S}eychelles}, author = {{D}epaquit, {J}. and {R}andrianambinintsoa, {F}. {J}. and {J}aouadi, {K}. and {P}ayard, {J}. and {B}ounamous, {A}. and {A}ugot, {D}. and {K}rueger, {A}. and {B}rengues, {C}{\'e}cile and {C}ouloux, {A}. and {R}obert, {V}incent and {L}eger, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the {P}hlebotomine sandflies, a few molecular studies related on the genus {S}ergentomyia have been published. {T}he present study explored the genetic variability within {S}ergentomyia ({S}intonius) clydei ( {D}iptera, {P}sychodidae). {T}he sampling included 15 populations originating from 12 countries. {A} morphological approach was coupled to the sequencing of two molecular markers (cytochrome b mt{DNA} and cacophony nuclear {DNA}). {T}he most variable morphological characters resided in the cibarium of the females, especially (i) the pigment patch pattern and (ii) the number of cibarial teeth and denticles in the armature. {H}owever this morphological approach was unable to individualize any population within {S}. clydei. {T}he {NJ} trees based on both molecular markers individualized the specimens from the {A}ldabra group of islands in the {S}eychelles. {S}urprisingly, cyt b variability was not compatible with the known data about the complete submersion of {A}ldabra occurring relatively recently some 125,000 years ago. {T}he settlement of these islands by {S}. clydei from continental {A}frica, the {M}iddle {E}ast or {A}sia, and the value of mt{DNA} markers are discussed.}, keywords = {{C}olonization ; {P}hlebotomine sandflies ; {T}he {S}eychelles ; {A}ldabra atoll ; {S}ystematics ; {I}sland ; {SEYCHELLES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {21}, numero = {}, pages = {41--53}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2013.10.016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061861}, }