@article{fdi:010061816, title = {{F}unctional patterns of microbial communities of rhizospheric soils across the development stages of a young mangrove in {F}rench {G}uiana}, author = {{L}uglia, {M}athieu and {C}riquet, {S}. and {S}arrazin, {M}ax and {Z}iarelli, {F}. and {G}uiral, {D}aniel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he functional patterns of microbial communities (microbial respiration, enzyme activities, functional diversity) and the relevant physico-chemical characteristics of rhizospheric soils were studied during the process of mudflat colonization by mangrove. {T}he study site is a fringe mangrove stand located in {M}ontabo {B}ay at {C}ayenne ({F}rench {G}uiana). {I}t is characterized by different vegetation development stages dominated by an assemblage of {A}vicennia germinans and {L}aguncularia racemosa. {R}hizospheric and surface soils were collected from three stations based on successional stages of mangrove colonization: pioneer ({P}), coppice ({C}), and young forest ({F}). {T}he microbial functional patterns showed significant progressive shifts along the mangrove vegetation profile. {T}he {P} stages, those most influenced by tide currents, were macroscopically characterized by hydro-sedimentary instability and micro-phytobenthic colonization of mudflat. {T}his stage, characterized by low total organic carbon ({TOC}) content and quality, showed the lowest extracellular enzymatic activities and the highest functional metabolic diversities. {TOC} quality analyses by {C}-13 {CPMAS} {NMR} provided evidence of progressive {TOC} enrichment and an increasing imprint of aboveground vegetation on {C} quality as succession occurs. {T}hese differences in the origin, amount, and quality of soil organic matter ({SOM}) of older stages exerted both a quantitative and qualitative control over microbial functional responses. {T}his indicated the enhancement of aboveground-belowground functional linkages, leading to the expression of high decomposition activities and a functional loss and specialization of rhizospheric microbial communities.}, keywords = {{GUYANE} {FRANCAISE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobial {E}cology}, volume = {67}, numero = {2}, pages = {302--317}, ISSN = {0095-3628}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s00248-013-0298-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061816}, }