@article{fdi:010061780, title = {{I}ntraseasonal variability of nearshore productivity in the {N}orthern {H}umboldt {C}urrent {S}ystem : {T}he role of coastal trapped waves}, author = {{E}chevin, {V}incent and {A}lbert, {A}. and {L}evy, {M}. and {G}raco, {M}. and {A}umont, {O}livier and {P}ietri, {A}. and {G}arric, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he impact of intraseasonal coastal-trapped waves on the nearshore {P}eru ecosystem is investigated using observations and a regional eddy-resolving physical-ecosystem coupled model. {M}odel results show that intraseasonal variability over the period 2000-2006 represents about one fourth of the total surface chlorophyll variance and one third of the carbon export variance on the {P}eruvian shelf. {E}vidence is presented that subsurface nutrient and chlorophyll intraseasonal variability are mainly forced by the coastally trapped waves triggered by intraseasonal equatorial {K}elvin waves reaching the {S}outh {A}merican coast, and propagate poleward along the {P}eru shore at a speed close to that of high order coastal trapped waves modes. {T}he currents associated with the coastal waves induce an input of nutrients that triggers a subsequent phytoplankton bloom and carbon export. {T}he impact of the local wind-forced intraseasonal variability on the ecosystem is of a similar order of magnitude to that remotely forced in the northern part of the {P}eru shelf on [50-90] day time scales and dominates over the entire shelf on [20-30] day time scales.}, keywords = {{C}oastally trapped waves ; {U}pwelling dynamics ; {H}umboldt system ; {I}ntraseasonal variability ; {P}rimary productivity ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ontinental {S}helf {R}esearch}, volume = {73}, numero = {}, pages = {14--30}, ISSN = {0278-4343}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.csr.2013.11.015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061780}, }