@article{fdi:010061764, title = {{S}ea surface temperature and sea ice variability in the subpolar {N}orth {A}tlantic from explosive volcanism of the late thirteenth century}, author = {{S}icre, {M}. {A}. and {K}hodri, {M}yriam and {M}ignot, {J}uliette and {E}iriksson, {J}. and {K}nudsen, {K}. {L}. and {E}zat, {U}. and {C}losset, {I}. and {N}ogues, {P}. and {M}ass{\'e}, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, we use {IP}25 and alkenone biomarker proxies to document the subdecadal variations of sea ice and sea surface temperature in the subpolar {N}orth {A}tlantic induced by the decadally paced explosive tropical volcanic eruptions of the second half of the thirteenth century. {T}he short-and long-term evolutions of both variables were investigated by cross analysis with a simulation of the {IPSL}-{CM}5{A} {LR} model. {O}ur results show short-term ocean cooling and sea ice expansion in response to each volcanic eruption. {T}hey also highlight that the long response time of the ocean leads to cumulative surface cooling and subsurface heat buildup due to sea ice capping. {A}s volcanic forcing relaxes, the surface ocean rapidly warms, likely amplified by subsurface heat, and remains almost ice free for several decades.}, keywords = {{ATLANTIQUE} {NORD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eophysical {R}esearch {L}etters}, volume = {40}, numero = {20}, pages = {5526--5530}, ISSN = {0094-8276}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1002/2013gl057282}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061764}, }