@article{fdi:010061751, title = {{F}actors influencing egg parasitism in sub-social insects : insights from the treehopper {A}lchisme grossa ({H}emiptera, {A}uchenorrhyncha, {M}embracidae)}, author = {{C}amacho, {L}. and {K}eil, {C}. and {D}angles, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ubsocial insects rely on maternal care in order to enhance offspring survival. {S}ubsocial {H}oplophorionini treehoppers defend their egg masses from predatory and parasitoid attacks. {E}gg parasitic wasps are important enemies of the {M}embracidae. {W}e examined parasitism patterns and female defence mechanisms in the {H}oplophorionini treehopper {A}lchisme grossa ({F}airmaire). {W}e examined the effect of aggregations of egg-guarding females, spatial aggregations of host plants and female {A}. grossa, and host plant identity on the incidence of egg mass parasitism. {A}dditionally, we measured the effect of female maternal care strategies on reducing the amount of parasitism on their egg masses. {A}ggregation of egg-guarding females on a single host plant was the most important factor affecting egg mass parasitism. {I}ncreased numbers of aggregated females lowered both parasitism risk and parasitism levels on their egg masses. {W}hen spatial clumping of host plants and egg-guarding females occurred simultaneously, parasitism risk was also reduced. {M}aternal care strategies such as coverage of the egg mass by the females' pronota and intensity of female defensive behaviour also seemed to lower parasitism on egg masses. {A} reduction of parasitism by female aggregation on host plants can be explained by a selfish herd dilution effect. {T}his dilution effect was potentiated by a possible cooperation between aggregated egg-guarding females on the host plant. {T}he present study provides a new dimension to sub-sociality in {H}oplophorionini treehoppers.}, keywords = {{A}lchisme grossa ; female aggregation ; maternal care ; {M}embracidae ; parasitism ; subsociality ; {EQUATEUR} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cological {E}ntomology}, volume = {39}, numero = {1}, pages = {58--65}, ISSN = {0307-6946}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/een.12060}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061751}, }