@article{fdi:010061728, title = {{T}he performance of altimeter waveform retrackers at lake {B}aikal}, author = {{Y}i, {Y}. {C}. and {K}ouraev, {A}. {V}. and {S}hum, {C}. {K}. and {V}uglinsky, {V}. {S}. and {C}retaux, {J}. {F}. and {C}almant, {S}t{\'e}phane}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}t each of five fixed locations along the ground tracks of {JASON}-1 and {ENVISAT}, a repeat-track analysis of 1-{H}z sea surface height ({SSH}) data has been conducted to assess the performance of wavefoim retrackers over {L}ake {B}aikal in {S}iberia, {R}ussia. {T}his simple analysis of time series at each point location is needed to minimize the effect of the range correction artifacts in current {G}eophysical {D}ata {R}ecord ({GDR}) data products of radar altimeters in in-land areas. {U}sing the retracked data available in the {GDR}s as the baseline, two retrackers are evaluated in terms of the number of valid data points produced and the degree of agreement with in-situ data of water level record. {T}he threshold retrackers that are based on the amplitude of the robust {OCOG} algorithm ({O}ffset {C}enter of {G}ravity) are found to perform the best in {L}ake {B}aikal.}, keywords = {{L}ake {B}aikal ; {S}atellite altimetry ; {W}aveform retracking ; {RUSSIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}errestrial {A}tmospheric and {O}ceanic {S}ciences}, volume = {24}, numero = {4}, pages = {513--519}, ISSN = {1017-0839}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.3319/{TAO}.2012.10.09.01({T}ib{XS})}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061728}, }