@article{fdi:010061701, title = {{E}ffect of three larval diets on larval development and male sexual performance of {A}nopheles gambiae s.s.}, author = {{Y}ahou{\'e}do, {G}. and {D}jogb{\'e}nou, {L}. and {S}a{\¨ie}zonou, {J}. and {A}ssogba, {B}.{S}. and {M}akoutod{\'e}, {M}. and {G}illes, {J}.{R}.{L}. and {M}a{\¨ie}ga, {H}. and {M}ouline, {K}arine and {S}oukou, {B}.{K}. and {S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}opulation replacement/elimination strategies based on mass-release of sterile or otherwise genetically modified (male) mosquitoes are being considered in order to expand the malaria vector control arsenal on the way to eradication. {A} challenge in this context, is to produce male mosquitoes that will be able to compete and mate with wild females more efficiently than their wild counterparts, i.e. high fitness males. {T}his study explored the effect of three larval food diets developed by the {I}nternational {A}tomic {E}nergy {A}gency on the overall fitness and mating performance of male {A}nopheles gambiae s.s. mosquitoes ({K}isumu strain). {L}arval development (pupation and emergence rate, development time) was monitored, and adult wing length and energy reserves at emergence (i.e. lipids, sugars, glycogen and proteins) were measured. {M}ale sexual performance was assessed through an insemination test whereby one male and 10 virgin females were maintained together in the same cage in order to record the number of inseminated females per 24 h. {O}ur results show that males reared on {D}iets 2 and 3 performed best during larval development. {M}ales provided with treatment 2.2 had a shorter development time and performed best in insemination tests. {H}owever, these males had the lowest overall lifespan, suggesting a trade-off between longevity and sexual performances which needs to be taken into consideration when planning release. {T}he results from this work were discussed in the context of sterile insect techniques or genetic control methods which is today one of the strategy in the overall mosquito control and elimination efforts.}, keywords = {{PALUDISME} ; {VECTEUR} ; {MOUSTIQUE} ; {LUTTE} {GENETIQUE} ; {LARVE} ; {ALIMENTATION} {ANIMALE} ; {MALE} ; {COMPORTEMENT} {SEXUEL} ; {ACCOUPLEMENT} ; {INSEMINATION} {ARTIFICIELLE} ; {STERILITE} {MALE} ; {ETUDE} {EXPERIMENTALE} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {RESERVES} {ENERGETIQUES} ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {{B}iology and behaviour of male mosquitoes in relation to new approaches to control disease transmitting mosquitoes}, journal = {{A}cta {T}ropica}, volume = {132}, numero = {{S}uppl.}, pages = {{S}96--{S}101}, ISSN = {0001-706{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.actatropica.2013.11.014}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061701}, }