@article{fdi:010061696, title = {{I}dentification and quantification of known polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides in complex mixtures using fluorescence excitation–emission matrices and parallel factor analysis}, author = {{F}erretto, {N}. and {T}edetti, {M}arc and {G}uigue, {C}. and {M}ounier, {S}. and {R}edon, {R}. and {G}outx, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}olycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ({PAH}s) and pesticides are among the most widespread organic contaminants in aquatic environments. {B}ecause of their aromatic structure, {PAH}s and pesticides have intrinsic fluorescence properties in the ultraviolet/blue spectral range. {I}n this study, excitation–emission matrix ({EEM}) fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor ({PARAFAC}) analysis were used to characterise and discriminate fluorescence signatures of nine {PAH}s and three pesticides at the µg {L}-1 level in the presence of humic substances (0.1-10 mg {C} {L}-1). {T}hese contaminants displayed a diversity of fluorescence signatures regarding spectral position (λ{E}x: 220-335 nm, λ{E}m: 310-414 nm), {S}tokes shift (39-169 nm) and number of peaks (1-8), with detection limits ranging from 0.02 to 1.29 µg {L}-1. {T}he {EEM}/{PARAFAC} method applied to mixtures of {PAH}s with humic substances validated a seven-component model that included one humic-like fluorophore and six {PAH}-like fluorophores. {T}he {EEM}/{PARAFAC} method applied to mixtures of pesticides with humic substances validated a six-component model that included one humic-like fluorophore and three pesticide-like fluorophores. {T}he {EEM}/{PARAFAC} method adequately quantified most of the contaminants for humic substance concentrations not exceeding 2.5 mg {C} {L}-1. {T}he application of this method to natural (marine) samples was demonstrated through (1) the match between the {E}x and {E}m spectra of {PARAFAC} components and the {E}x and {E}m spectra of standard {PAH}s, and (2) the good linear correlations between the fluorescence intensities of {PARAFAC} components and the {PAH} concentrations determined by {GC}-{MS}.}, keywords = {{POLLUTION} {MARINE} ; {MILIEU} {AQUATIQUE} ; {MER} ; {PESTICIDE} ; {CONTAMINATION} ; {FLUORESCENCE} ; {SPECTROSCOPIE} ; {HUMUS} ; {ETUDE} {COMPARATIVE} ; {HAP}.{HYDROCARBURE} {AROMATIQUE} {POLYCYCLIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemosphere}, volume = {107}, numero = {}, pages = {344--353}, ISSN = {0045-6535}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.12.087}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061696}, }