@incollection{fdi:010061694, title = {{C}irculation of the {M}editerranean sea and its variability}, author = {{S}chroeder, {K}. and {G}arcìa-{L}afuente, {J}. and {J}osey, {S}.{A}. and {A}rtale, {V}. and {B}uongiorno {N}ardelli, {B}. and {C}arrillo, {A}. and {G}acic, {M}. and {G}asparini, {G}.{P}. and {H}errmann, {M}arine and {L}ionello, {P}. and {L}udwig, {W}. and {M}illot, {C}. and {O}zsoy, {E}. and {P}isacane, {G}. and {S}ánchez-{G}arrido, {J}.{C}. and {S}annino, {G}. and {S}antoleri, {R}. and {S}omot, {S}. and {S}truglia, {M}. and {S}tanev, {E}. and {T}aupier-{L}etage, {I}. and {T}simplis, {M}.{N}. and {V}argas-{Y}anez, {M}. and {Z}ervakis, {V}. and {Z}odiatis, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he aim of this chapter is to introduce the main topics in the {M}editerranean circulation research and to give a general description of the {M}editerranean {S}ea variability. {I}ts scope is to provide information that is important for a comprehensive view of the most relevant issues concerning climate, which is a coupling between atmosphere and sea. {T}he chapter describes data, research results, and key findings that have been reported in the most recent literature about the {M}editerranean {S}ea circulation. {T}he issue about sea level is considered in {C}hapter 4. {T}he chapter also includes, in its concluding section, a discussion of the main open issues in {M}editerranean {S}ea research.}, keywords = {{MER} ; {HYDRODYNAMIQUE} ; {COURANT} {MARIN} ; {CIRCULATION} {THERMOHALINE} ; {INTERACTION} {OCEAN} {ATMOSPHERE} ; {MASSE} {D}'{EAU} ; {TEMPERATURE} ; {SALINITE} ; {EAU} {DOUCE} ; {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {DEBIT} ; {FORCING} ; {VARIATION} {INTERANNUELLE} ; {VARIATION} {PLURIANNUELLE} ; {MEDITERRANEE}}, booktitle = {{T}he climate of the mediterranean region : from the past to the future}, numero = {}, pages = {187--256}, address = {{L}ondres}, publisher = {{E}lsevier}, series = {}, year = {2012}, DOI = {10.1016/{B}978-0-12-416042-2.00003-3}, ISBN = {978-0-12-416042-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061694}, }