@article{fdi:010061649, title = {{O}n representation and power : portrait of {V}odun leader in present-day in {B}enin}, author = {{T}all, {E}mmanuelle {K}adya}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, the author discusses the power of vodun leaders in present-day {B}enin, and more specifically anti-witchcraft cults born from the encounter with world religions. {O}ffering an analysis inspired by {L}ouis {M}arin's theory on power in its representation, the author illustrates her analysis through the portrait of a vodun leader with a view to escape from a functionalist analysis of occult power or syncretism. {W}ith the baroque mirror metaphor conceived as a device, which underscores what it is that connects heterogeneous practices, {T}all describes what is shown in the rituals and practices of a vodun leader and emphasizes the centrality of the transubstantiation phenomenon in the production of a community of believers.}, keywords = {{CULTE} ; {RELIGION} ; {CROYANCE} ; {SORCELLERIE} ; {COSMOGONIE} ; {PERIODE} {PRECOLONIALE} ; {VAUDOU} ; {CHEF} {RELIGIEUX} ; {SOCIETE} {CIVILE} ; {MEDIATEUR} ; {BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}frica}, volume = {84}, numero = {2}, pages = {246--268}, ISSN = {0001-9720}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1017/{S}0001972013000764}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061649}, }