@article{fdi:010061523, title = {{A}rthropods biodiversity index in {B}ollgard ({R}) cotton ({CR}y1{A}c) in {B}razil}, author = {{T}homazoni, {D}. and {F}erreira {S}oria, {M}. and {D}egrande, {P}.{E}. and {F}accenda, {O}. and {S}ilvie, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}hannon-{W}iener's diversity index ({SWI}) was used under untreated conditions of a cotton field during the 2006/2007 crop season in the {C}errado region, {B}razil. {C}omparison was carried out between the transgenic {N}u{O}pal ({R}) ({B}ollgar{D} ({R}))({C}ry1{A}c) and the non-transgenic isogenic variety {D}elta{O}pal ({R}). {SWI} was calculated for target pests, non-target herbivores and predators groups. {T}wo sampling methods were used: whole plant observation and beat sheet. {A}s expected, the mean number of target pests, especially {P}ectinophora gossypiella ({S}aund) and {A}labama argillacea ({H}ubner), was significantly smaller in {B}t cotton. {I}n the whole plant method sampling the {SWI} for non-tar- get herbivores was significantly higher in {B}t-cotton. {T}he mean number of {A}nthonomus grandis ({B}oh) and {E}dessa meditabunda ({F}abr) adults were significantly higher in {N}u{O}pa{P} with the whole plant sampling method. {H}owever, such differences were not observed with the beat sheet method. {F}or the natural enemies, {SWI} and mean number of larvae and adults of the dominant predators did not show any significant difference between {B}t and non-{B}t cotton. {T}hese results confirm the conservation of some tritrophic interactions inside the {B}t (untreated) cotton and contributes to a better sustainable management of nontarget pests by enhancement of their natural biological control.}, keywords = {{COTON} ; {CULTIVAR} ; {LEPIDOPTERE} {RAVAGEUR} ; {LUTTE} {PHYTOSANITAIRE} ; {LUTTE} {BIOLOGIQUE} ; {DIVERSITE} {SPECIFIQUE} ; {OGM} .{ORGANISME} {GENETIQUEMENT} {MODIFIE} ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nterciencia}, volume = {38}, numero = {12}, pages = {849--856}, ISSN = {0378-1844}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061523}, }