@article{fdi:010061501, title = {{S}imultaneous extension of both basic microstructural components in scleractinian coral skeleton during night and daytime, visualized by in situ {S}r-86 pulse labeling}, author = {{D}omart-{C}oulon, {I}. and {S}tolarski, {J}. and {B}rahmi, {C}hloe and {G}utner-{H}och, {E}. and {J}aniszewska, {K}. and {S}hemesh, {A}. and {M}eibom, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}sing in situ (12 h) pulse-labeling of scleractinian coral aragonitic skeleton with stable 86{S}r isotope, the diel pattern of skeletal extension was investigated in the massive {P}orites lobata species, grown at 5 m depth in the {G}ulf of {E}ilat {S}everal microstructural aspects of coral biomineralization were elucidated, among which the most significant is simultaneous extension of the two basic microstructural components {R}apid {A}ccretion {D}eposits ({RAD}; also called {C}enters of {C}alcification) and {T}hickening {D}eposits ({TD}; also called fibers), both at night and during daytime. {I}ncreased thickness of the 86{S}r-labeled growth-front in the {RAD}s compared to the adjacent {TD}s revealed that in this species {RAD}s extend on average twice as fast as {TD}s. {A}t the level of the individual corallite, skeletal extension is spatially highly heterogeneous, with sporadic slowing or cessation depending on growth directions and skeletal structure morphology. {D}aytime photosynthesis by symbiotic dinoflagellates is widely acknowledged to substantially increase calcification rates at the colony and the corallite level in reef-building corals. {H}owever, in our study, the average night-time extension rate (visualized in three successive 12 h pulses) was similar to the average daytime extension (visualized in the initial 12 h pulse), in all growth directions and skeletal structures. {T}his research provides a platform for further investigations into the temporal calibration of coral skeletal extension via cyclic growth increment deposition, which is a hallmark of coral biomineralization.}, keywords = {{C}oral skeleton ; {M}icrostructure ; {L}inear extension ; {D}iel rythm ; {S}trontium labeling}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}tructural {B}iology}, volume = {185}, numero = {1}, pages = {79--88}, ISSN = {1047-8477}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jsb.2013.10.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061501}, }