@article{fdi:010061453, title = {{T}he chloroplast {DNA} locus psb{Z}-trnf{M} as a potential barcode marker in {P}hoenix {L}. ({A}recaceae)}, author = {{B}allardini, {M}. and {M}ercuri, {A}. and {L}ittardi, {C}. and {A}bbas, {S}. and {C}ouderc, {M}arie and {L}udena, {B}. and {P}intaud, {J}ean-{C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he genus {P}hoenix ({A}recaceae) comprises 14 species distributed from {C}ape {V}erde {I}slands to {SE} {A}sia. {I}t includes the economically important species {P}hoenix dactylifera. {T}he paucity of differential morphological and anatomical useful characters, and interspecific hybridization, make identification of {P}hoenix species difficult. {I}n this context, the development of reliable {DNA} markers for species and hybrid identification would be of great utility. {P}revious studies identified a 12 bp polymorphic chloroplast minisatellite in the trn{G}({GCC})-trnf{M}({CAU}) spacer, and showed its potential for species identification in {P}hoenix. {I}n this work, in order to develop an efficient {DNA} barcode marker for {P}hoenix, a longer cp{DNA} region (700 bp) comprising the mentioned minisatellite, and located between the psb{Z} and trnf{M}({CAU}) genes, was sequenced. {O}ne hundred and thirty-six individuals, representing all {P}hoenix species except {P}. andamanensis, were analysed. {T}he minisatellite showed 2-7 repetitions of the 12 bp motif, with 1-3 out of seven haplotypes per species. {P}hoenix reclinata and {P}. canariensis had species-specific haplotypes. {A}dditional polymorphisms were found in the flanking regions of the minisatellite, including substitutions, indels and homopolymers. {A}ll this information allowed us to identify unambiguously eight out of the 13 species, and overall 80% of the individuals sampled. {P}hoenix rupicola and {P}. theophrasti had the same haplotype, and so had {P}. atlantica, {P}. dactylifera, and {P}. sylvestris (the "date palm complex" sensu {P}intaud et al. 2013). {F}or these species, additional molecular markers will be required for their unambiguous identification. {T}he psb{Z}-trnf{M}({CAU}) region therefore could be considered as a good basis for the establishment of a {DNA} barcoding system in {P}hoenix, and is potentially useful for the identification of the female parent in {P}hoenix hybrids.}, keywords = {{C}hloroplast psb{Z}-trnf{M}({CAU}) region ; {DNA} barcode ; minisatellite ; palms}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}ookeys}, numero = {365}, pages = {71--82}, ISSN = {1313-2989}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.3897/zookeys.365.5725}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061453}, }