@article{fdi:010061442, title = {{F}acilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity}, author = {{C}avieres, {L}. {A}. and {B}rooker, {R}. {W}. and {B}utterfield, {B}. {J}. and {C}ook, {B}. {J}. and {K}ikvidze, {Z}. and {L}ortie, {C}. {J}. and {M}ichalet, {R}. and {P}ugnaire, {F}. {I}. and {S}chob, {C}. and {X}iao, {S}. and {A}nthelme, {F}abien and {B}jork, {R}. {G}. and {D}ickinson, {K}. {J}. {M}. and {C}ranston, {B}. {H}. and {G}avilan, {R}. and {G}utierrez-{G}iron, {A}. and {K}anka, {R}. and {M}aalouf, {J}. {P}. and {M}ark, {A}. {F}. and {N}oroozi, {J}. and {P}arajuli, {R}. and {P}hoenix, {G}. {K}. and {R}eid, {A}. {M}. and {R}idenour, {W}. {M}. and {R}ixen, {C}. and {W}ipf, {S}. and {Z}hao, {L}. and {E}scudero, {A}. and {Z}aitchik, {B}. {F}. and {L}ingua, {E}. and {A}schehoug, {E}. {T}. and {C}allaway, {R}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nteractions among species determine local-scale diversity, but local interactions are thought to have minor effects at larger scales. {H}owever, quantitative comparisons of the importance of biotic interactions relative to other drivers are rarely made at larger scales. {U}sing a data set spanning 78 sites and five continents, we assessed the relative importance of biotic interactions and climate in determining plant diversity in alpine ecosystems dominated by nurse-plant cushion species. {C}limate variables related with water balance showed the highest correlation with richness at the global scale. {S}trikingly, although the effect of cushion species on diversity was lower than that of climate, its contribution was still substantial. {I}n particular, cushion species enhanced species richness more in systems with inherently impoverished local diversity. {N}urse species appear to act as a safety net' sustaining diversity under harsh conditions, demonstrating that climate and species interactions should be integrated when predicting future biodiversity effects of climate change.}, keywords = {{A}lpine ; cushion species ; foundation species ; nurse plants ; positive interactions ; species richness ; {AMERIQUE} ; {EUROPE} ; {ASIE} ; {NOUVELLE} {ZELANDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}cology {L}etters}, volume = {17}, numero = {2}, pages = {193--202}, ISSN = {1461-023{X}}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1111/ele.12217}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061442}, }