@article{fdi:010061409, title = {{I}rrigated family farming panorama in the {L}atin-{A}merican highlands}, author = {{G}utierrez-{M}alaxechebarria, {A}. {M}. and {P}rime, {S}. and {R}evillion, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ien qu’il existe des statistiques et cartographie g{\'e}n{\'e}rale sur les syst{\`e}mes d’irrigation de l’{A}m{\'e}rique latine, il n’est pas possible de distinguer les zones d’agriculture familiale irrigu{\'e}e situ{\'e}es en altitude. {D}ans cet article nous localisons et quantifions ces zones en utilisant des m{\'e}thodologies de cartographie qui permettent d’isoler ce type de zones. {L}es crit{\`e}res retenus pour la s{\'e}lection de ces zones sont : 1) la pr{\'e}sence d’irrigation; 2) une densit{\'e} de population rurale d{\'e}passant 50 habitants/km2; 3) une altitude sup{\'e}rieure {\`a} 1000m. {L}es r{\'e}sultats obtenus confirment une pr{\'e}sence remarquable de ce type de production {\`a} travers du continent. {T}outefois, en raison du manque de pr{\'e}cision de certaines sources donn{\'e}es, les r{\'e}sultats pr{\'e}sent{\'e}s sont {\`a} titre informatif. {A}lthough there are statistics and general cartography on irrigation systems in {L}atin {A}merica, this information does not permit to identify the irrigated family farming zones located in the highland areas. {I}n this article we locate and quantify those zones through the use of cartographic methods that helped to identify the zones that meet three requirements: 1) they are irrigated areas; 2) they are located in zones above 1000 m; 3) {T}heir rural population density is higher than 50 inhabitants per km2. {T}he results confirm a wide presence of this type of systems in all {L}atin-{A}merican sub-regions. {N}evertheless, due to the restrictions of quality and updating of the information from the available sources, the results given in the present document must be taken as a guideline.}, keywords = {{I}rrigation ; family farming ; highlands ; cartography ; {L}atin {A}merica ; {I}rrigation ; family farms ; private plot agriculture ; agricultural mapping ; agriculture familiale des hauts plateaux ; cartographie ; {A}m{\'e}rique latine. ; {AMERIQUE} {LATINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}uadernos de {D}esarrollo {R}ural}, volume = {10}, numero = {70}, pages = {93--114}, ISSN = {0122-1450}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061409}, }