@article{fdi:010061381, title = {{M}odulation of malaria infection in {A}nopheles gambiae mosquitoes exposed to natural midgut bacteria}, author = {{T}chioffo, {M}. {T}. and {B}oissi{\`e}re, {A}nne and {C}hurcher, {T}. {S}. and {A}bate, {L}uc and {G}imonneau, {G}eoffrey and {N}sango, {S}. {E}. and {A}wono-{A}mbene, {P}. {H}. and {C}hristen, {R}. and {B}erry, {A}. and {M}orlais, {I}sabelle}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he development of {P}lasmodium falciparum within the {A}nopheles gambiae mosquito relies on complex vector-parasite interactions, however the resident midgut microbiota also plays an important role in mediating parasite infection. {I}n natural conditions, the mosquito microbial flora is diverse, composed of commensal and symbiotic bacteria. {W}e report here the isolation of culturable midgut bacteria from mosquitoes collected in the field in {C}ameroon and their identification based on the 16{S} r{RNA} gene sequencing. {W}e next measured the effect of selected natural bacterial isolates on {P}lasmodium falciparum infection prevalence and intensity over multiple infectious feedings and found that the bacteria significantly reduced the prevalence and intensity of infection. {T}hese results contrast with our previous study where the abundance of {E}nterobacteriaceae positively correlated with {P}. falciparum infection ({B}oissiere et al. 2012). {T}he oral infection of bacteria probably led to the disruption of the gut homeostasis and activated immune responses, and this pinpoints the importance of studying microbe-parasite interactions in natural conditions. {O}ur results indicate that the effect of bacterial exposure on {P}. falciparum infection varies with factors from the parasite and the human host and calls for deeper dissection of these parameters for accurate interpretation of bacterial exposure results in laboratory settings.}, keywords = {{CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {8}, numero = {12}, pages = {e81663}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0081663}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061381}, }