@article{fdi:010061310, title = {{S}urveillance of travellers : an additional tool for tracking antimalarial drug resistance in endemic countries}, author = {{G}harbi, {M}. and {F}legg, {J}. {A}. and {P}radines, {B}. and {B}erenger, {A}. and {N}diaye, {M}. and {D}jimde, {A}. {A}. and {R}oper, {C}. and {H}ubert, {V}. and {K}endjo, {E}. and {V}enkatesan, {M}. and {B}rasseur, {P}hilippe and {G}aye, {O}. and {O}ffianan, {A}. {T}. and {P}enali, {L}. and {L}e {B}ras, {J}. and {G}uerin, {P}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ntroduction: {T}here are growing concerns about the emergence of resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapies ({ACT}s). {S}ince the widespread adoption of {ACT}s, there has been a decrease in the systematic surveillance of antimalarial drug resistance in many malaria-endemic countries. {T}he aim of this work was to test whether data on travellers returning from {A}frica with malaria could serve as an additional surveillance system of local information sources for the emergence of drug resistance in endemic-countries. {M}ethodology: {D}ata were collected from travellers with symptomatic {P}lasmodium falciparum malaria returning from {S}enegal (n = 1,993), {M}ali (n = 2,372), {C}ote d'{I}voire (n = 4,778) or {C}ameroon (n = 3,272) and recorded in the {F}rench {M}alaria {R}eference {C}entre during the period 1996-2011. {T}emporal trends of the proportion of parasite isolates that carried the mutant genotype, pfcrt 76{T}, a marker of resistance to chloroquine ({CQ}) and pfdhfr 108{N}, a marker of resistance to pyrimethamine, were compared for travellers and within-country surveys that were identified through a literature review in {P}ub{M}ed. {T}he in vitro response to {CQ} was also compared between these two groups for parasites from {S}enegal. {R}esults: {T}he trends in the proportion of parasites that carried pfcrt 76{T}, and pfdhfr 108{N}, were compared for parasites from travellers and patients within-country using the slopes of the curves over time; no significant differences in the trends were found for any of the 4 countries. {T}hese results were supported by in vitro analysis of parasites from the field in {S}enegal and travellers returning to {F}rance, where the trends were also not significantly different. {C}onclusion: {T}he results have not shown different trends in resistance between parasites derived from travellers or from parasites within-country. {T}his work highlights the value of an international database of drug responses in travellers as an additional tool to assess the emergence of drug resistance in endemic areas where information is limited.}, keywords = {{FRANCE} ; {AFRIQUE} {CENTRALE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} l'{OUEST} ; {AFRIQUE} {DE} {L}'{EST} ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE} ; {SENEGAL} ; {CAMEROUN} ; {MALI} ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {8}, numero = {10}, pages = {e77775}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0077775}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061310}, }