@article{fdi:010061239, title = {{T}owards an acoustic-based coupled observation and modelling system for monitoring and predicting ecosystem dynamics of the open ocean}, author = {{H}andegard, {N}. {O}. and du {B}uisson, {L}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice and {C}halmers, {S}. {J}. and {D}e {R}obertis, {A}. and {H}use, {G}. and {K}loser, {R}. and {M}acaulay, {G}. and {M}aury, {O}livier and {R}essler, {P}. {H}. and {S}tenseth, {N}. {C}. and {G}odo, {O}. {R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ssessment of open-ocean ecosystems relies on understanding ecosystem dynamics, and development of end-to-end ecosystem models represents an approach that addresses these challenges. {T}hese models incorporate the population structure and dynamics of marine organisms at all trophic levels. {S}atellite remote sensing of ocean colour and direct at-sea measurements provide information on the lower trophic levels of the models, and fisheries studies provide information on top predator species. {H}owever, these models suffer from a lack of observations for the so-called mid-trophic levels, which are poorly sampled by conventional methods. {T}his restricts further development, and we argue that acoustic observations from a range of platforms (e.g. buoys, moorings) can be linked to the ecosystem models to provide much-needed information on these trophic levels. {T}o achieve this, the models need to be tailored to incorporate the available acoustic data, and the link from acoustic backscatter to biologically relevant variables (biomass, carbon, etc.) needs attention. {M}ethods to progress this issue are proposed, including the development of observation models and focal areas for ground truthing. {T}o ensure full use of the potential of acoustic techniques, we argue that a systematic and long-term strategy incorporating the following elements is required: development of metadata standards and automated data analysis, inclusion of acoustic sensors in large-scale observatory programmes, improvement of observation-model links, and efficient sampling strategies. {F}inally, these elements should be tied together in an observation-modelling framework, coordinated by international organizations, to improve our understanding and quantification of open-ocean ecosystem dynamics.}, keywords = {{MICRONECTON} ; {STRUCTURE} {DU} {PEUPLEMENT} ; {NIVEAU} {TROPHIQUE} ; {PROSPECTION} {ACOUSTIQUE} ; {FONCTIONNEMENT} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {MODELE} ; {E}cosystem models ; fisheries acoustics ; micronekton ; mid-trophic level ; observatories ; platforms of opportunity}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}ish and {F}isheries}, volume = {14}, numero = {4}, pages = {605--615}, ISSN = {1467-2960}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1467-2979.2012.00480.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061239}, }