@article{fdi:010061230, title = {{F}orest management devolution : gap between technicians' design and villagers' practices in {M}adagascar}, author = {{R}ives, {F}. and {C}arri{\`e}re, {S}t{\'e}phanie {M}. and {M}ontagne, {P}. and {A}ubert, {S}. and {S}ibelet, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the 1980s, tropical forest-management principles underwent a shift toward approaches giving greater responsibilities to rural people. {O}ne argument for such a shift were the long-term relations established between rural people and their natural resources. {I}n {M}adagascar, a new law was drawn up in 1996 ({G}elose law), which sought to integrate rural people into forest management. {A} gap was observed between the changes foreseen by the projects implementing the {G}elose law and the actual changes. {I}n this article, we use the concept of the social-ecological system ({SES}) to analyze that gap. {T}he differences existing between the planned changes set by the {G}elose contract in the village of {A}mbatoloaka (northwest of {M}adagascar) and the practices observed in 2010 were conceptualized as a gap between two {SES}s. {T}he first {SES} is the targeted one (i.e., a virtual one); it corresponds to the designed {G}elose contract. {T}he second {SES} is the observed one. {I}t is characterized by the heterogeneity of forest users and uses, which have several impacts on forest management, and by very dynamic social and ecological systems. {T}he observed {SES} has been reshaped contingent on the constraints and opportunities offered by the {G}elose contract as well as on other ecological and social components. {T}he consequences and opportunities that such an {SES} reshaping would offer to improve the implementation of the {G}elose law are discussed. {T}he main reasons explaining the gap between the two {SES}s are as follows: (1) the clash between static and homogeneous perceptions in the targeted {SES} and the dynamics and heterogeneity that characterize the observed {SES}; and (2) the focus on one specific use of forest ecosystems (i.e., charcoal-making) in the targeted {SES}. {F}orest management in the observed {SES} depends on several uses of forest ecosystems.}, keywords = {{S}ocial-ecological system ; {G}elose ; {C}ommunity-based management ; {F}orest policies ; {L}ocal knowledge ; {MADAGASCAR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}anagement}, volume = {52}, numero = {4}, pages = {877--893}, ISSN = {0364-152{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s00267-013-0138-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061230}, }