@article{fdi:010061210, title = {{I}nvestigation of groundwater resources in the {K}omadugu {Y}obe {V}alley ({L}ake {C}had {B}asin, {N}iger) using {MRS} and {TDEM} methods}, author = {{D}escloitres, {M}arc and {C}halikakis, {K}. and {L}egchenko, {A}natoli and {M}oussa, {A}. {M}. and {G}enthon, {P}ierre and {F}avreau, {G}uillaume and {L}e {C}oz, {M}. and {B}oucher, {M}arie and {O}i, {M}onique}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}roundwater resources quantification and management is a key issue for agricultural development in the {K}omadugu {Y}obe ({KY}) {R}iver valley region in the semiarid part of the {L}ake {C}had {B}asin. {T}o improve the knowledge of available groundwater resources in this poorly-documented area, a geophysical survey across the river valley was conducted near the town of {D}iffa, southeast {N}iger. {T}he goal was to estimate the hydrogeological properties of {Q}uaternary formations to a depth of 100 m. {N}umerical modeling showed that sedimentary deposits composed of thin clayey, loamy, and sandy layers could not be accurately resolved in detail by non-invasive geophysical methods due to the limited spatial resolution of the methods. {T}he use of the {T}ime {D}omain {E}lectromagnetic ({TDEM}) method alone was not sufficient to estimate aquifer parameters and the {M}agnetic {R}esonance {S}ounding method ({MRS}) was used to supplement the geophysical dataset. {A} twelve kilometer long profile (117 {TDEM} and 11 {MR} soundings) was surveyed across the valley to evaluate changes in hydrogeological properties of the {Q}uaternary aquifer from the middle of the river valley to the surrounding sandy plain area. {O}ur results show that the {Q}uaternary aquifer below the {KY} valley differs from its surroundings and it can be described as follows: (a) the thickness of the {KY} aquifer ranges from 30 to 60 m and is limited at depth by electrically conductive clay layer, (b) at a depth of similar to 70-80 m, {TDEM} soundings show a continuous conductive substratum (resistivity is similar to 2 {O}mega m), attributed to {P}liocene clayey formations, (c) the {KY} valley aquifer may have a larger volume of unconfined groundwater than the surrounding plain aquifer area ({MRS} water contents of 20-25% and similar to 15% respectively), (d) the {KY} aquifer transmissivity estimated from {MRS} data is higher than values derived from pumping tests conducted outside the river valley. {T}his study confirms that the {K}omadugu {Y}obe valley aquifer represents a significant resource for future agricultural development. {I}n addition, our study shows that the aquifer is not protected by shallow clayey layers; therefore, precautions against contamination should be taken to preserve the quality of this resource.}, keywords = {{L}ake {C}had {B}asin ; {G}roundwater resources ; {K}omadougou {Y}obe aquifer ; {T}ime {D}omain {E}lectromagnetism ({TDEM}) ; {M}agnetic {R}esonance {S}ounding ({MRS}) ; {NIGER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}frican {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {87}, numero = {}, pages = {71--85}, ISSN = {1464-343{X}}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2013.07.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061210}, }