@article{fdi:010061068, title = {{P}esticides and earthworms : a review}, author = {{P}elosi, {C}. and {B}arot, {S}{\'e}bastien and {C}apowiez, {Y}. and {H}edde, {M}. and {V}andenbulcke, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}arthworms provide key soil functions that favour many positive ecosystem services. {T}hese services are important for agroecosystem sustainability but can be degraded by intensive cultural practices such as use of pesticides. {M}any literature reports have investigated the effect of pesticides on earthworms. {H}ere, we review those reports to assess the relevance of the indicators of earthworm response to pesticides, to assess their sensitivity to pesticides, and to highlight the remaining knowledge gaps. {W}e focus on {E}uropean earthworm species and products authorised in {E}urope, excluding natural compounds and metals. {W}e consider different organisation levels: the infra-individual level (gene expression and physiology), the individual and population levels (life-history traits, population density and behaviour) and the community level : community biomass and density. {O}ur analysis showsthat earthworms are impacted by pesticides at all organisation levels. {F}or example, pesticides disrupt enzymatic activities, increase individual mortality, decrease fecundity and growth, change individual behaviour such as feeding rate and decrease the overall community biomass and density. {I}nsecticides and fungicides are the most toxic pesticides impacting survival and reproduction, respectively.}, keywords = {{FAUNE} {DU} {SOL} ; {LOMBRIC} ; {PESTICIDE} ; {PROTECTION} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {CONSERVATION} {DU} {SOL} ; {PRATIQUE} {CULTURALE} ; {SYNTHESE} ; {AGROBIODIVERSITE} ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gronomy for {S}ustainable {D}evelopment}, volume = {34}, numero = {1}, pages = {199--228}, ISSN = {1774-0746}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1007/s13593-013-0151-z}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010061068}, }