@article{fdi:010060894, title = {{L}arge-scale hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling of the {A}mazon {R}iver basin}, author = {de {P}aiva, {R}. {C}. {D}. and {B}uarque, {D}. {C}. and {C}ollischonn, {W}. and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {F}rappart, {F}. and {C}almant, {S}t{\'e}phane and {M}endes, {C}. {A}. {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, a hydrologic/hydrodynamic modeling of the {A}mazon {R}iver basin is presented using the {MGB}-{IPH} model with a validation using remotely sensed observations. {M}oreover, the sources of model errors by means of the validation and sensitivity tests are investigated, and the physical functioning of the {A}mazon basin is also explored. {T}he {MGB}-{IPH} is a physically based model resolving all land hydrological processes and here using a full 1-{D} river hydrodynamic module with a simple floodplain storage model. {R}iver-floodplain geometry parameters were extracted from the {SRTM} digital elevation model, and the model was forced using satellite-derived rainfall from {TRMM}3{B}42. {M}odel results agree with observed in situ daily river discharges and water levels and with three complementary satellite-based products: (1) water levels derived from {ENVISAT} altimetry data; (2) a global data set of monthly inundation extent; and (3) monthly terrestrial water storage ({TWS}) anomalies derived from the {G}ravity {R}ecovery and {C}limate {E}xperimental mission. {H}owever, the model is sensitive to precipitation forcing and river-floodplain parameters. {M}ost of the errors occur in westerly regions, possibly due to the poor quality of {TRMM} 3{B}42 rainfall data set in these mountainous and/or poorly monitored areas. {I}n addition, uncertainty in river-floodplain geometry causes errors in simulated water levels and inundation extent, suggesting the need for improvement of parameter estimation methods. {F}inally, analyses of {A}mazon hydrological processes demonstrate that surface waters govern most of the {A}mazon {TWS} changes (56%), followed by soil water (27%) and ground water (8%). {M}oreover, floodplains play a major role in stream flow routing, although backwater effects are also important to delay and attenuate flood waves. {C}itation: {P}aiva, {R}. {C}. {D}., {D}. {C}. {B}uarque, {W}. {C}ollischonn, {M}.-{P}. {B}onnet, {F}. {F}rappart, {S}. {C}almant, and {C}. {A}. {B}. {M}endes (2013), {L}arge-scale hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling of the {A}mazon {R}iver basin, {W}ater {R}esour. {R}es., 49, 1226-1243, doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20067.}, keywords = {{AMAZONE} {BASSIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater {R}esources {R}esearch}, volume = {49}, numero = {3}, pages = {1226--1243}, ISSN = {0043-1397}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1002/wrcr.20067}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060894}, }