@article{fdi:010060883, title = {{L}arvae of cryptic species of {A}nopheles gambiae respond differently to cues of predation risk}, author = {{R}oux, {O}livier and {D}iabate, {A}. and {S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}redation is a major evolutionary force driving speciation. {I}dentifying the stimuli prompting anti-predator responses is essential for unravelling the proximate mechanisms of anti-predator adaptations and for understanding how predation impacts species diversification. {H}ere, we explore for the first time the divergence in the use of cues of predation risk by different incipient species of mosquitoes within the {A}nopheles gambiae complex. {W}e examined the anti-predator responses to various predation cues by the aquatic larvae of {A}nopheles arabiensis and the two molecular forms, {M} and {S}, of {A}nopheles gambiae s.s.sampled from wild populations in {B}urkina {F}aso naturally exposed to different predator densities. {T}he larvae altered their behaviour in response to various predation cues, shifting from the surface of the water to a less exposed location on the walls of the experimental arena. {T}here were important differences in the use of predation cues between populations sharing the same larval development sites and, within the {M} form, related to predation pressure at their site of origin. {A}nopheles arabiensis larvae, which develop in small temporary waterbodies, relied only on physical cues signalling the presence of a predator to mount a vigilance response, whereas the sympatric larvae of the {M} and {S} forms of {A}n.gambiae used both physical and chemical cues to fine-tune their response. {M}-form larvae, developing in permanent aquatic habitats with high densities of predators, responded chiefly to chemical stimuli ensuing from acute predation. {O}ur results suggest that predation might play a role as a disruptive selective force promoting ecological divergence within the {A}n.gambiae complex and, more recently, between the {M} and {S} molecular forms. {N}otably, beyond interspecific differences in the use of predation cues, our study also documented phenotypic differences within the {M} form based on predation pressure at their site of origin, suggesting that a process of ecological divergence is generating species forerunners' within the {A}n.gambiae complex in the wild.}, keywords = {anti-predator response ; chemical ecology ; incipient species ; phenotypic ; plasticity ; predation cues ; {BURKINA} {FASO}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}reshwater {B}iology}, volume = {58}, numero = {6}, pages = {1178--1189}, ISSN = {0046-5070}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1111/fwb.12117}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060883}, }