@article{fdi:010060865, title = {{I}nvestigating the cryopreservation of nodal explants of {L}ithodora rosmarinifolia ({T}en.) {J}ohnst., a rare, endemic {M}editerranean species}, author = {{B}arraco, {G}. and {S}ylvestre, {I}sabelle and {I}apichino, {G}. and {E}ngelmann, {F}lorent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, we investigated the possibility of using the droplet-vitrification technique for cryopreserving nodal segments of in vitro plantlets of the endangered plant species {L}ithodora rosmarinifolia. {A}mong the three vitrification solutions tested, only solutions {B}1, containing (w/v) 50 % glycerol and 50 % sucrose, and {B}3, containing 40 % glycerol and 40 % sucrose, were able to induce cryotolerance in nodal explants, resulting in intermediate survival and recovery after cryopreservation. {A} three-step vitrification protocol, including an additional dehydration treatment with half-strength vitrification solution for 30 min before the treatment with full-strength vitrification solution, did not lead to any improvement in survival and recovery compared with the two-step protocol. {T}he optimal protocol was the following: preculture of nodal segments in liquid medium with 0.3 {M} sucrose for 16 h and 0.7 {M} sucrose for 5 h, treatment for 20 min in loading solution containing 1.9 {M} glycerol + 0.5 {M} sucrose, dehydration with vitrification solution {B}1 (glycerol 50.0 %, sucrose 50.0 %, w/v) for 60 min at room temperature, rapid cooling in minute droplets of vitrification solution, and rapid rewarming by immersion of nodal segments for 20 min in unloading solution containing 1.2 {M} sucrose. {U}nder these conditions, 33 % recovery of cryopreserved nodal explants was achieved. {R}egrowth of cryopreserved samples was rapid and direct. {T}hese results indicate that long-term storage of {L}. rosmarinifolia by means of cryopreservation of nodal segments is possible, thereby contributing to securing the diversity of this rare and endangered plant species.}, keywords = {{C}ryopreservation ; {D}oplet-vitrification ; {E}ndemic ; {L}ithodora rosmarinifolia ; {V}itrification solution ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {B}iotechnology {R}eports}, volume = {7}, numero = {2}, pages = {141--146}, ISSN = {1863-5466}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1007/s11816-012-0241-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060865}, }