@article{fdi:010060854, title = {{M}olecular dating of phylogenies by likelihood methods : a comparison of models and a new information criterion}, author = {{P}aradis, {E}mmanuel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ating the divergence in a phylogenetic tree is a fundamental step in evolutionary analysis. {S}ome extensions and improvements of the penalised likelihood method originally presented by {S}anderson are introduced. {T}he improvements are the introduction of alternative models, including one with non-correlated rates of molecular substitution ("relaxed" model), a completely reworked fitting algorithm that considers the high-dimensionality of the optimisation problem, and the development of a new information criterion for model selection in the presence of a penalised term. {I}t is also shown that the strict clock model is a special case of the present approach. {A}n extensive simulation study was conducted to assess the statistical performance of these improvements. {O}verall, the different estimators studied here appeared as unbiased though their variance varied depending on the fitted and the simulated models and on the number of calibration points. {T}he strict clock model gave good estimates of branch lengths even in the presence of heterogeneous substitution rates. {T}he correlated model gave the best estimates of substitution rates whatever the model used to simulate the data. {T}hese results, which are certainly the first from an extensive simulation study of a molecular dating method, call for more comparison with alternative methods, as well as further work on the developments introduced here.}, keywords = {{L}arge-scale estimation ; {M}olecular dating ; {P}enalised likelihood ; {R}ate smoothing ; {R}elaxed molecular clock}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}hylogenetics and {E}volution}, volume = {67}, numero = {2}, pages = {436--444}, ISSN = {1055-7903}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ympev.2013.02.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060854}, }