@article{fdi:010060849, title = {{A}n {I}nteger {P}recise {P}oint {P}ositioning technique for sea surface observations using a {GPS} buoy}, author = {{F}und, {F}. and {P}erosanz, {F}. and {T}estut, {L}aurent and {L}oyer, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{GPS} data dedicated to sea surface observation are usually processed using differential techniques. {U}nfortunately, the precision of resulting kinematic positions is baseline-length dependent. {S}o, high precision sea surface observations using differential {GPS} techniques are limited to coasts, lakes, and rivers. {R}ecent improvements in {GPS} satellite products (orbits, clocks, and phase biases) make phase ambiguity fixing at the zero difference level achievable and opens up the observation of the sea surface without geographical constraints. {T}his paper recalls the concept of the {I}nteger {P}recise {P}oint {P}ositioning technique and discusses the precision of {GPS} buoy positioning. {A} sequential version of the {GINS} software has been implemented to achieve single epoch {GPS} positioning. {W}e used 1 {H}z data from a two week {GPS} campaign conducted in the {K}erguelen {I}slands. {A} {GPS} buoy has been moored close to a radar gauge and 90 m away from a permanent {GPS} station. {T}his infrastructure offers the opportunity to compare both kinematic {I}nteger {P}recise {P}oint {P}ositioning and classical differential {GPS} positioning techniques to in situ radar gauge data. {W}e found that {P}recise {P}oint {P}ositioning results are not significantly biased with respect to radar gauge data and that horizontal time series are consistent with differential processing at the sub-centimetre precision level. {N}evertheless, standard deviations of height time series with respect to radar gauge data are typically [4-5] cm. {T}he dominant driver for noise at this level is attributed to errors in tropospheric estimates which propagate into position solutions.}, keywords = {{GPS} ; {A}mbiguity fixing ; {T}ropospheric delays ; {B}uoy ; {R}adar gauge}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dvances in {S}pace {R}esearch}, volume = {51}, numero = {8}, pages = {1311--1322}, ISSN = {0273-1177}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1016/j.asr.2012.09.028}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060849}, }