@article{fdi:010060783, title = {{D}etec{\c{c}}ão de plantios de {C}annabis sativa no semiárido pernambucano a partir da análise das anomalias de dinâmica temporal dos índices de vegeta{\c{c}}ão derivados do sat{\'e}lite {SPOT}-5 {HRG}}, author = {{L}isita, {A}. and {S}ano, {E}.{E}. and {D}urieux, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{C}annabis sativa is the most highly demanded illegal drug in the world, even more than amphetamines, cocaine and opiates. {I}n {B}razil, one of the strategies to reduce its consumption is the identification and destruction of cultivation. {P}lantations are identified visually by experienced {B}razilian {F}ederal {P}olice agents using helicopters. {T}his study analyzed the potential of the {NDVI} ({N}ormalized {D}ifference {V}egetation {I}ndex) derived from temporal series of the {SPOT}-5 {HRG} ({H}igh {R}esolution {G}eometric) images to detect plantations of {C}annabis surrounded by the {C}aatinga vegetation in the semi-arid region of {P}ernambuco {S}tate. {A}bsolute values and multitemporal series of {NDVI} from two sites used to plant {C}annabis and from surrounding natural vegetation were analyzed to find anomalies related to the presence of such plantations. {R}esults showed a strong seasonality of {C}aatinga phytophysiognomies and heterogeneous spectral pattern of {C}annabis sativa. {I}n some cases, {C}annabis plantations presented growing patterns higher than the {C}aatinga vegetation, as a consequence of water and fertilizer supplies; in other, an abrupt decrease of {NDVI} values, as a consequence of field management practices - soil preparation and harvesting - or destruction. {T}he analysis of dynamics of {NDVI} allowed detecting {C}annabis cultivations from temporal series of {SPOT}-5 {HRG}.}, keywords = {{R}emote {S}ensing ; {NDVI} ; {I}llicit {D}rugs ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}oletim de {C}iencias {G}eodesicas}, volume = {19}, numero = {1}, pages = {45--64}, ISSN = {1982-2170}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1590/{S}1982-21702013000100004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010060783}, }